S1 CITIZENSHIP The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
Your Task Create a poster or mini-project on the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. You should include information like: Name of each ‘wonder’ Location (where they were built) The year that they were made Who built them A timeline showing the ‘wonders’ in chronological order
How do you start? Research e.g. internet (google); library books, encyclopaedia etc. Find as much information as you can but be careful not to plagiarise (copy information) You can also include photographs, draw pictures, maps etc.
Some help to get you started….
What are they? Don’t panic if you can’t name them, only one of them still exists! The ancient Greeks and Romans are said to have invented the original list Although people have disagreed on the list over time, the following are the most common seven listed
Where are they?
1. The Great Pyramid of Giza Built from 2700 to 2500 BC Only remaining ‘Wonder’ About 450ft high Took 100,000 workers 20 years to build
2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon Built around 600 BC In Babylon (near Baghdad in Iraq) Some think they never actually existed, it is just a story
3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia Built 547 BC The temple built in honour of the God Zeus Statue was moved to Constantinople Destroyed by fire
4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Built about 550 BC One of the largest and most complex temples ever built Burnt down, rebuilt and burnt down again
5. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Built 353 BC Southwestern Turkey Mausoleum means large tomb Damaged by an earthquake
6. The Colossus of Rhodes Early 200s BC A giant bronze statue of the Sun God Helios Destroyed by a strong earthquake
7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria Built about 270 BC At the time it was built it was one of the tallest structures on earth The last of the 6 lost ‘Wonders’ to disappear Destroyed by earthquake
What remains of them now..