Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June, Muon Accelerator Program MUON COLLIDER & NEUTRINO FACTORY R&D in the U.S.
The MAP Initiative Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June, Muon Collider & Neutrino Factory R&D has been pursued in the U.S. since 1996 by the Neutrino Factory & Muon Collider Collaboration (NFMCC). The Muon Collider R&D activity was enhanced in 2006 by the addition of the Muon Collider Task Force (MCTF) at Fermilab. In October 2009 the DOE-OHEP leadership requested a new unified national organization (MAP) be put in place, and prepare a proposal for an enhanced R&D program: -Motivated by recent progress, and an increased interest in a multi-TeV Muon Collider as a possible future facility at Fermilab
Letter from DOE-OHEP Leadership Muon Accelerator Program MAP Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
MAP Organization now in place “Level 1” “Level 0” * L0, L1, L2 Interim assignments “Level 2” Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
MAP Proposal ● Submitted by Pier Oddone on behalf of the MAP collaboration, 1 st March ● 214 MAP participants (at birth) from 14 institutions: ANL, BNL, FNAL, Jlab, LBNL, ORNL, SNAL, Cornell, IIT, Princeton, UCB, UCLA, UCR, U-Miss. ● Anticipate a DOE-OHEP review soon. Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
MAP will pursue both Neutrino Factory & Muon Collider R&D NEUTRINO FACTORY MUON COLLIDER In present MC baseline design, Front End is same as for NF Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
R&D Common to both NF & MC (from proton driver to initial cooling channel) Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June, Front-End Design & Simulations - Pursued in the context of the IDS-NF - Includes site specific studies for NF/MC at FNAL, including using an upgraded Project X as the proton source (coordinator: Keith Gollwitzer) MERIT experiment (Great success – in final analysis phase) RF studies for cooling channel cavities operating in magnetic channels -MuCool Test Area (MTA) program U.S. contributions to MICE (see talks tomorrow)
MuCool Test Area Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June, MUCOOL Test Area built at FNAL for ionization cooling component testing: 5T magnet RF power at 805MHz & 201MHz LH2 handling capability 400MeV beam from linac
Muon Collider Decision Tree Pier Oddone 0.5 TeV e + e - 3 TeV e + e TeV + - Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
Muon Collider Motivation COST PHYSICS If we can build a muon collider, it is an attractive multi-TeV lepton collider option because muons don’t radiate as readily as electrons (m / m e ~ 207): - COMPACT Fits on laboratory site - MULTI-PASS ACCELERATION Cost Effective - MULTIPASS COLLISIONS IN A RING (~1000 turns) Relaxed emittance requirements & hence relaxed tolerances - NARROW ENERGY SPREAD Precision scans, kinematic constraints - TWO DETECTORS (2 IPs) - T bunch ~ 10 s … (e.g. 4 TeV collider) Lots of time for readout Backgrounds don’t pile up - (m /m e ) 2 = ~40000 Enhanced s-channel rates for Higgs-like particles A 4 TeV Muon Collider would fit on the Fermilab Site Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
Beam Energy Spread Beamstrahlung in any e+e- collider E/E 2 Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
MAP Goals ● Deliverables in 6-7 years: -Muon Collider Design Feasibility Report (FY16) - Hardware R&D results → technology choice - MC Cost range (FY16) - Also contributions to the IDS-NF RDR (FY14) ● Will address key R&D issues, including - Maximum RF gradients in magnetic field - Magnet designs for cooling, acceltn, collider - 6D cooling section prototype & bench test - Full start-to-end simulations based on technologies in hand, or achievable with a specified R&D program Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
Impact of the MAP Plan Key component models NOW MAP PLAN + NF RDR Muon Collider Development Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
Evolution of Support NFMCC + MCTF Interim MAP Last couple of years NOW (FY10) FY11 ~4 M$~9 M$~10 M$~15 M$ (requested) (~19 M$ enhanced plan) First ~10 years Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
Physics, Detector & Background Studies ● In addition to MC accelerator R&D, a parallel but coordinated effort is foreseen on physics & detector studies: -Machine-Detector Interface group within MAP will generate machine background files for, and “interface” with the physics-detector activity. - Physics-detector studies leader will participate in MAP “management council”. ● Detailed detector & Background studies from ~10 yrs ago gave encouraging results. A lot has happened since: - New MC lattice design - A decade of detector development -Greater community expectations for detector performance ● New physics, detector, background studies begun: - Kick-off workshop at FNAL November Rapid progress since then on shielding design (shielding cone angle reduced from 20deg to 10deg). -Active detector simulation group now being created. -Working towards an initial report ~mid Steve Geer SPC FNAL 17 June,
International Aspects ● Neutrino Factory R&D is pursued in an international framework: IDS-NF - The MAP community is committed to making the required contributions to IDS-NF studies ● Muon Collider R&D is pursued mostly in the U.S. - Making it more international would be a good thing - The MICE facility is potentially a wonderful asset for longer term Muon Collider R&D ● Had some good initial experience with joint Fermilab-UK accelerator R&D fellowships focused on muon accelerator R&D areas: -The UK host has been Imperial College - Helps build R&D relationships in areas of common interest (e.g. MuCool RF R&D program, proton source issues, …) Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
Summary ● There is a new U.S. organization (MAP). The proposed MAP plan is designed to: -Continue support of the ongoing program (including U.S. commitments to MICE and the IDS-NF -Within the next 6-7 years find out whether a Muon Collider is feasible, and roughly what it would cost (cost range). ● The U.S. motivation for MAP is coupled to a muon- based vision for the long-term future of Fermilab. ● International collaboration on the R&D for these very ambitious but game-changing future accelerator facilities is very desirable -Has been very good for the NF R&D program -Would be very healthy for Muon Collider R&D Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,
ADDITIONAL SILDES Muon Collider detector NF To DUSEL A Vision for the Future at FNAL Steve Geer OsC RAL 21 June,