1 District 5 District Speech Contests District Contest and Chief Judge Training – 9/12 &
2 Today’s Agenda Welcome and provide handouts Overview of day Rulebook Contest Planning - weeks and days before event Contest Execution - day of event and follow up Judging and functionaries Chief Judging Q&A and interactive time to work out issues, re- enforce rules
3 Preliminary Information Planning and references Fun Fall 2015 District Speech Contests (Optional Club Contests) Requirements Options Recommended Checklists What can go wrong? Let’s Have a contest Now!
4 References / Links –D5TM.org – click Contests link contests/ contests/ Follow Multiple Links Guidebooks from Mark Kramer, DTM –Toastmasters.org – click contest links hip-Central/Speech-Contestshttps:// hip-Central/Speech-Contests Download CURRENT Rulebook - READ IT – Share It
5 Fun Fun theme / Party / Create excitement Recruit help for specific tasks early! Challenge members to shine! Invite toastmasters & FUTURE TOASTMASTERS Keep it fun Many hands = FUN (Few hands = Panic) –Scale contest to resources (time, membership, location, help)
6 Fall 2015 District Contests International and Humorous Speech Contests DIFFERENCE is eligibility and judging criteria! Same Judging Criteria for International and Humorous: Speech Value, Physical, Voice, Manner, Appropriateness55 points INTERNATIONAL - Contestant needs 6 CC speeches Speech Development, Effectiveness, Correctness 45 points (Winner can go to Regional and International Contests) HUMOROUS (Contest Ends at District Level) Speech Development, Effectiveness, Correctness 30 points Audience Response 15 points Attentiveness, Laughs, Interest, Reception
7 Requirements Plan and recruit early – Read TI Rulebook Follow Rulebook for club contests Assign clear roles to all Pick appropriate location and time –Can non-US citizens enter? –Any other restrictions on food, opportunity drawing, etc.? Establish clear, specific agenda Allow time before and after contest –check forms –briefings –record results –schedule different start time for set-up, briefings, contestants, contest start.
8 Strongly Recommended Options Develop detailed check lists for each Assignment (TM, Chief Judge, Timer, etc.) Develop detailed Checklist for equipment, food, forms, everything. Recruit Chief Judge early –(go to Chief Judge Training Later Today) Use contest to build club interest. Invite other clubs, areas, divisions & community Invite Directors as dignitaries
9 Sample Assignment Checklist RoleWho? Phone Registrar 1 Registrar 2 Sergeant at Arms 1 Sergeant at Arms 2 Toastmaster Timer 1 Timer 2 Ballot Counter 1, 2 and 3 Opportunity Drawing Chair, assistants 1 and 2 Opportunity Drawing Assistant #2 Chief Judge Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 (Division Contest only) Judge 7 (Division Contest only) Tie Breaker Judge Secret to Chief Judge) Backups 1, 2 and 3
10 Toastmaster Cheat-Sheet Humorous Speaking Order Contestant Name Phonetic helpTitle Profile Form Eligibility Form Charlie Brown Char-lee Brr-ow- nn I Will Win Someday will bring LucyLou-seeNo You Won'tyes Schroedersh-row-derPlay Onwill bring International Speech Speaking Order Contestant Name Title Profile Form Eligibility Form Charlie Brown Char-lee Brr-ow- nn I Really Will Win Someday yes Pig PenIt's a Dirty Jobyeswill bring SnoopySoar!will bring
11 What can go wrong? What did you forget to do? What did others forget? Is the room too hot or too small? Does Chief Judge have enough judges from the right qualifications? Who got sick? Are dues paid for Contestants & Club? Are contestants eligible? Enough food? Does everyone know what to do? Forgot forms; forms not sent to Area Certificates not ready? Can we print at facility? Toastmaster steals the show; event runs slow – BAD ideas Solutions: Plan & recruit early; read Rulebook; Follow Rulebook; Make checklist with specific assignments; follow Mark Kramer’s Guidelines; provide specific briefings for all functions; ask for help.
12 Fun Create a fun, focused team to plan contest Create a fun theme Create a fun flyer Create a fun, detailed agenda Invite all eligible members to participate Invite non-club toastmasters to help Plan ahead to reduce stress
13 Let’s Have a contest Now! Play act the day of the contest Let the errors fly now! Let great ideas flow! Volunteer right now!