22 September 2015—Agenda Check Answer the following questions about Act 4 in your warm- ups: 1. “Death lies upon her like an untimely frost upon the sweetest flower of all the field.” Who said this? What literary device is being used? 2. Why do Juliet’s parents try to rush her into marriage a day early? 3. What is Friar Laurence’s plan to help Juliet avoid marrying Paris? 4. List two of Juliet’s fears prior to taking the potion. 5. How do Juliet’s parents react to her “death”?
Quarter 1 Final Assessment: Socratic Seminar Last big grade that goes into the gradebook!! What is a socratic seminar? Why do we have socratic seminars?
Socratic Seminar is tomorrow!!! To Prepare: -Let’s take a look at the chart. What is a claim? What is a counterclaim? How do you earn points? -Using your flipbook, fill out your socratic seminar chart (do #5, #6, and #7 first!). This will prepare you for the seminar tomorrow. Don’t forget your parenthetical citations! -You may fill out the other squares for extra credit (10 pts.).
The Rules… You must talk at least 3 times to receive credit for your final (otherwise, it is a zero! I’m keeping track in the gradebook) After you have 4 meaningful contributions to the conversation, you are done (continue to listen and take notes in your chart) Help others out and encourage them to speak You do not need to raise your hand to speak, but wait for the current speaker to finish their thought, and then assert yourself Begin your comments with one of the phrases listed (you will receive more points) You receive the most points by using a suggested phrase AND citing textual evidence from Romeo & Juliet Talk to each other, NOT ME! I am only here to facilitate and keep score.
You can lose points by… Disrespectfully interrupting another Name-calling Yelling (you can assert yourself but DO NOT YELL!) Talking just to talk, and not making meaningful contributions to the conversation Disrespectfully disagreeing with someone (you can disagree, but do it respectfully. Use your appropriate, persuasive language sheet!) Not participating Not having your socratic seminar chart finished (zero) Having side conversations that are not apart of the debate