The post-2015 development agenda Virtual Institute Study Tour for the University of the West Indies Geneva, 12 May 2015 Rolf Traeger Chief, LDC Section Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes
Why 2015?
This presentation I.The MDG era ( ) II.The post-2015 development agenda ( ) III.SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda
This presentation I.The MDG era ( ) II.The post-2015 development agenda ( ) III.SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda
I. The MDG era ( ) The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Were supposed to guide development policies in goals, 21 targets, 60 indicators
I. The MDG era ( )
Positive outcomes (1) Put development and poverty on top of the international political / policy agenda – with shared (but unequal) responsibilities Significant progress against poverty, hunger and diseases I. The MDG era ( )
Positive outcomes (2) Highlight need to accelerate progress / development to achieve goals by deadline MDGs are easy to communicate and understand I. The MDG era ( )
Critique and shortcomings (1) Least developed countries (48) Only one (Laos) will meet seven selected MDG targets I. The MDG era ( ) Why?
Critique and shortcomings (2) Biased / Partial approach: Emphasis on social goals… … but little attention to – economic development processes: structural transformation, productivity, employment – means of implementation: trade, finance, technology I. The MDG era ( )
Critique and shortcomings (3) Inadequately treated issues – Gender – Environment Missing issues – Civil and political freedoms – Inequality and discrimination – Institutional reform of global governance Narrow approach, e.g. – Primary school enrolment vs. quality, gender and class equity, adult literacy – School enrolment gaps vs. gender equality and its several dimensions – Number of telephones vs. technology transfer and learning I. The MDG era ( )
This presentation I.The MDG era ( ) II.The post-2015 development agenda ( ) III.SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda
II. The post-2015 development agenda August 2014: The Open Working Group proposal
II. The post-2015 development agenda
SDGs seek to address some of the shortcomings / failings of the MDGs II. The post-2015 development agenda
How can this be achieved? (1) International context post-2015 less favourable to development than early 2000s SDGs are more difficult to reach than MDGs Well designed and implemented national development strategies become even more crucial II. The post-2015 development agenda
How can this be achieved? (2) SDGs require new types of policies / measures Domestically – Including esp. industrial policy Internationally – Reforms in international economic / environmental governance By both developed and developing countries II. The post-2015 development agenda
This presentation I.The MDG era ( ) II.The post-2015 development agenda ( ) III.SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda
III: SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda Small Island Developing States (SIDS) The Earth Summit - UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) (Rio 92): SIDS acknowledged: “They are ecologically fragile and vulnerable. Their small size, limited resources, geographic dispersion and isolation from markets, place them at a disadvantage economically and prevent economies of scale.” One of the UN categories of countries in special situation (LDCs, LLDCs)
III: SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda
SIDS Plans of Action Barbados Programme of Action (1994) Mauritius Strategy of Implementation (2005) S.A.M.O.A. Pathway: SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (Sept. 2014) III: SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda
SAMOA vs. SIDS III: SIDS in the post-2015 development agenda
Thank you