COMPANIES ACT,2013 CA. Arun Saxena Saxena & Saxena Chartered Accountants 811, Ansal Bhawan 16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – Mob.:
Schedule II Depreciation:Allocation of depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life. Depreciable amount :Cost of an asset less its residual value. Useful life of Asset :Period over which an asset to be available for use. 3 SAXENA & SAXENA
Schedule II 4 SAXENA & SAXENA Useful Life Class of companies as prescribed or whose F/S comply the accounting standard Other companies For intangible assets Companies under Regulating Authority Not different from as mentioned in Part C of schedule Not higher than as mentioned in Part C As per Accounting Standard As notified by such Authority
Schedule II 5 SAXENA & SAXENA Disclosure in financial statement. Method of depreciation Useful lives of asset if it is different from Part C Residual value should not be >5% of original cost. Amount of asset as on the commencement of this schedule Shall be depreciated over the remaining useful life as per Part C of schedule.