Health & Safety By: Brittni Lawrence & Libby Huntington
Top 5 safety concerns/issues (0-2 years old) Smothering - do not put to many blankets in the child’s crib - don’t lay baby on stomach in crib - don’t use a crib with bumpers Dropping a baby - be careful of who is holding your baby - hold baby’s head - watch postioning Drowning - don’t leave baby unattended in the bath tub - watch newly walking children around pools - use a infant bath seat Chocking / poising - cut up foods into small pieces - watch the size of toys - put baby locks on cabinets and storage places Sids syndrome - Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep, for naps and at night - Place your baby on a firm sleep surface, such as on a safety-approved crib mattress, covered by a fitted sheet.
3-5 safety tips Chocking - make your child sit down while eating - make sure your child chews all their food before putting more in their mouth - Falling - don’t let child run/ use your walking feet - don’t let child climb on dangerous equipment - watch when going up and down stairs Fire safety - don’t leave child unattended when there is a hot stove or oven - watch around open flames (ex: candles ) - put safety's on all outlets in house Car safety - teach child how to buckle them selves in - always have a car seat or booster seat till they reach height or weight limit - don’t leave child in the car when its to hot or to cold in the car Play ground safety - make sure child has closed toed shoes on - check equipment before letting child play on it - teach child proper playground behavior (ex: no pushing )
7-12 Safety tips Stranger danger - teach child to not talk to people they do not know - don’t answer door without permission - teach child to tell an adult if someone comes up to you that you don’t know Phone calls - teach child how to call emergency numbers but only in an emergency - make sure child knows parents phone number - don’t answer phone if you don’t know who it is Water - keep bathroom doors shut - keep gates closed around pools Burns - teach children proper cooking techniques - show child correct way of how to handle hot objects
Top 5 chocking hazards Hard candy Bottle caps when the shape of an object is the same size as the child windpipe it is easier for the child to chock. To prevent this cut down large pieces of food and make sure to pick up any large objects that may be laying on the floor that the child could easily chock on.
First degree burn First degree- the cause of a first degree burn is briefly touching something hot or getting some kind of minor sun burn. Symptoms would be the skin would have a shade of red, swollen and sensitive. To cure this you put either an ice pack on it or run under cold water.
Second degree burn Second degree burn is cause by touching hot objects flames or scald injuries. Symptoms of a second degree burn would be the skins surface is red. Also the skin will be puffy and it may be painful. To cure this kind of burn you would not put anything on it and take the person straight to the hospital.
Third degree burn Third degree burn is caused by long exposure to a hot object, chemical, flames, and or scolding liquids. Symptoms of third degree burn would be that the skin will be black and white and charred. To cure these kind of burns you call 911 immediately and check for proper breathing.
Treatment & First aid Closed wounds- bruises : apply a cold pack Cuts- put on gloves, wash out with soap and water, apply pressure with clean cloth. Raise above heart level is bleeding continues. If a serious or deep cut seek medical attention. Head trauma- call 911. don’t move the person around keep person still. Lice- medical shampoo or a doctor visit Knocked out tooth- find the tooth, do not touch the roots, when tooth is found rinse it off and try to put back in the socket of where it had fallen out of. Poising- locate what ever was swallowed and read treatment on back. Give an emetic if doctor tells you to.
Immunizations from birth to 6 years Hep b (birth, 1-2 months, 6-18 months)- appetite loss, fatigue, vomiting RV( 2, 4, 6 months)- lethargy, dry skin, extreme thirst Dtap ( 2,4,6, months & 4-6 years)- fever, crankiness, vomiting Hib ( 2,4,6,12-15 months) – fever, stiff neck, headache Pvc ( 2,4,6,12-15 months)- cough, shortness of breath, chest pains Ipv (2,4,6-18 months, 4-6 years) soar throat, constipation, abdominal pain Flu (6 months, 6 years)- cough, headache, fever, vomit Mmr ( months, 4-6 years) pink eye, painful swallowing, achy joints Varicella (12-15 months, 4-6 years)- little appetite, headache, sore throat Hepa A ( months)- weight loss, itchy skin, jaundice Mcv 4 ( 2-6 years)- confusion, stiff neck, sensitivity to light