Role of the Registrar Office w. r. t. Graduate Students Syed Naveed Khursheed Systems Engineer Fall 2014
Role of the Registrar Office Create ID # and activate the student in the system upon receiving admission letter from the DGS. Maintain student records in the system Matriculation Grades Substitutions, Waivers etc. Process Approved Academic Petitions Process Graduation, degree information
Flow Chart of Activities Admitted to Grad. Studies No Reg. Office Processes Admission Contact ITC to collect username & password Reg. Office receives Adm. letter Contact Deanship of Graduate Studies Yes Reg. Office creates student ID & username
Points to Remember (1/3) Each and every student must register either a regular course or thesis every semester. Not registering will result in “no-show” and requires Re- Admission for the following term No course is automatically registered (including thesis). Student should see his academic advisor before registering for any term. In case you get an “IC” grade, re-registration for the same course is not required.
Points to Remember (2/3) Re-calculation has been stopped effective term “102”. The minimum course load for Full-Time Graduate Students is 9 credit hours. The maximum course load for Full-Time Graduate Students is 12 credit hours.
Points to Remember (3/3) All students must submit degree plan to the Registrar Office and if there is any change, then either submit revised degree plan or academic petition (The degree plan, its revision or any academic petition must be approved by DGS). For complete overview of the registration process visit our website
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