THE STATE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY AND THE IMPACT ON THE PERFORMING ARTS Across the members, in the US, in the press and the EU initiatives to tackle the.


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Presentation transcript:

THE STATE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY AND THE IMPACT ON THE PERFORMING ARTS Across the members, in the US, in the press and the EU initiatives to tackle the crisis P earle* conference Geneva 29 May 2009 – agenda point 10

P EARLE ’ S SURVEY Phone interview with members General overview and first feeling 4 main points of interest :  Public funding  Private funding  Audience participation  Employment 2 P5873









P RESS ARTICLES Pr Helmut K. Anheier, How can the cultural sector survive the financial crisis?, on Two articles from the Deutscher Kultur RAT on the situation in Germany on Symphony magazine, New visions for orchestras, march- april 2009 Magazine La Lettre du Musicien, Le Mécénat d’entreprise dans la musique classique, March 2009 Carla Bodo, A new deal for cultural employment, on P5873

E UROPE ’ S POLICY TO TACKLE THE CRISIS European Council December 2008: financial supervision March 2009: restoring jobs and growth  Economic recovery plan : fiscal effort 3.3 % of GDP (>400 billion EUR, compare US:787 billion $)  Measures in different areas, such as:  Removing obstacles  Reducing administrative burdens  Achieving a fully operational internal market  Research, education, training, innovation and improving quality in investment  Special focus on SMEs Next meeting mid-June 2009 : endorse Employment Summit conclusions 12 P5873

E MPLOYMENT SUMMIT – 7 M AY Format: Troika + European social partners + EP President + EC President & Commissioner + social NGOs 10 concrete actions to fight unemployment and create new jobs 1. Maintain people in jobs 2. Encourage entrepreneurship and job creation 3. Improve the efficiency of national employment services 4. Increase significantly the number of high quality apprenticeships and traineeships 5. Promote more inclusive labour markets 6. Upgrade skills at all levels with lifelong learning 7. Use labour mobility to match supply and demand of labour to best effect. 8. Identify job opportunities and skills requirements, and improve skills forecasting to get the training offer right. 9. Assist the unemployed and young people in starting their own business 10. Anticipate and manage restructuring through mutual learning and exchange of good practice. 13 P5873

SECTORAL SOCIAL DIALOGUE COMMITTEE ‘ LIVE PERFORMANCE ’ 15 December 2008 : social partners address the issue 3 April 2009: social partners discuss feedback internal surveys 6 May 2009: social partners finalize & endorse joint statement Includes 4 main headings The first signs of the impact of the crisis are being felt across Europe An essential sector for economic & social development and a vector for creativity & innovation Need to restore confidence in the sector Policy orientations to be taken in the framework of the Employment summit Conclusions: 7 points calling upon the EU and the MS to provide for a genuine and sustainable environment for the sector, to safeguard and encourage sectoral social dialogue in the different Member States, to guarantee public support to boost further growth and employment, to cut red tape and reduce administrative burdens that are a barrier to mobility to promote a socially coherent mobility, taking into consideration the particular characteristics of the performing arts sector, to take quality employment as a cornerstone in structural reforms, to include the sector in economic recovery plans designed to stimulate investment and create jobs in this time of financial crisis. 14 P5873

C IVIL SOCIETY PLATFORM ‘ ACCESS TO CULTURE ’ Working group ‘creativity and creation’: position paper Key principles - summary: The EU needs new priorities in view of the financial crisis Artistic and cultural innovation, creativity and creation have intrinsic values These values need to underpin the Union’s strategic thinking and planning We aim for the best conditions for artistic creation These are based on the freedom of speech and of expression Supporting professional infrastructures is of key importance This includes equitable administrative and legal environments, and Innovative access to culture 15 P5873

W ORKING GROUP ‘ CREATIVITY AND CREATION ’ : KEY PRINCIPLES - RATIONALE The economic and financial crisis confronts politicians as well as European civil society with the necessity to establish new priorities. In national and European plans the emphasis seems to be on investments in the ‘hard’ infrastructure such as roads, buildings and industry. If ‘soft’ infrastructure, such as spatial and architectural design, public art, theatre, dance, music and entertainment, artistic and cultural contributions to social issues and cultural education are considered a luxury rather than an essential part of life, very soon Europe will be an uglier, grimmer place covered only by the ever- emptying shell of materialism. Yet the EU and Member States could attain both economic and humanistic targets with the support they will be making available to confront the financial crisis. We believe that in order to maintain the bonds between European citizens and between European governments, artistic and cultural values need to underpin the Union’s strategic thinking and planning - our intertwined histories and cultures are what unites us 16 P5873