Gateway Update for AUS Nancy Wilkins-Diehr TeraGrid Area Director for Science Gateways AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
How did the Gateway program develop? A natural result of the impact of the internet on worldwide communication and information retrieval Implications on the conduct of science are still evolving –1980’s, Early gateways, National Center for Biotechnology Information BLAST server, search results sent by , still a working portal today –1989 World Wide Web developed at CERN –1992 Mosaic web browser developed –1995 “International Protein Data Bank Enhanced by Computer Browser” –2004 TeraGrid project director Rick Stevens recognized growth in scientific portal development and proposed the Science Gateway Program –Today, Web 3.0 and programmatic exchange of data between web pages Simultaneous explosion of digital information –Growing analysis needs in many, many scientific areas –Sensors, telescopes, satellites, digital images and video, –#1 machine on Top500 today over 1000x more powerful than all combined entries on the first list in 1993 AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Only 18 years since the release of Mosaic!
Why are gateways worth the effort? Increasing range of expertise needed to tackle the most challenging scientific problems –How many details do you want each individual scientist to need to know? PBS, RSL, Condor Coupling multi-scale codes Assembling data from multiple sources Collaboration frameworks AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 #! /bin/sh #PBS -q dque #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2 #PBS -l walltime=00:02:00 #PBS -o pbs.out #PBS -e pbs.err #PBS -V cd /users/wilkinsn/tutorial/exercise_3../bin/mcell nmj_recon.main.mdl +( &(resourceManagerContact="tg-") (executable="/users/birnbaum/tutorial/bin/mcell") (arguments=nmj_recon.main.mdl) (count=128) (hostCount=10) (maxtime=2) (directory="/users/birnbaum/tutorial/exercise_3") (stdout="/users/birnbaum/tutorial/exercise_3/globus.out") (stderr="/users/birnbaum/tutorial/exercise_3/globus.err") ) ======= # Full path to executable executable=/users/wilkinsn/tutorial/bin/mcell # Working directory, where Condor-G will write # its output and error files on the local machine. initialdir=/users/wilkinsn/tutorial/exercise_3 # To set the working directory of the remote job, we # specify it in this globus RSL, which will be appended # to the RSL that Condor-G generates globusrsl=(directory='/users/wilkinsn/tutorial/exercise_3') # Arguments to pass to executable. arguments=nmj_recon.main.mdl # Condor-G can stage the executable transfer_executable=false # Specify the globus resource to execute the job pbs # Condor has multiple universes, but Condor-G always uses globus universe=globus # Files to receive sdout and stderr. output=condor.out error=condor.err # Specify the number of copies of the job to submit to the condor queue. queue 1
Gateways democratize access to high end resources Almost anyone can investigate scientific questions using high end resources –Not just those in the research groups of those who request allocations –Gateways allow anyone with a web browser to explore Opportunities can be uncovered via google –At 11, my son discovered while his class was studying Bucky Balls in science class Foster new ideas, cross-disciplinary approaches –Encourage students to experiment Multi-disciplinary computational linguistics course at U Chicago uses Social Informatics DataGrid (SIDGrid) gateway But used in production too –Significant number of papers resulting from gateways including GridChem, nanoHUB –Scientists can focus on challenging science problems rather than challenging infrastructure problems AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Today, there are approximately 35 gateways using the TeraGrid AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Not just ease of use What can scientists do that they couldn’t do previously? Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) - access to radar data National Virtual Observatory (NVO) – access to sky surveys Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) – access to sensor data PolarGrid – access to polar ice sheet data SIDGrid – expensive datasets, analysis tools GridChem –coupling multiscale codes How would this have been done before gateways? AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
What makes a gateway a TeraGrid gateway? TeraGrid gateways use TeraGrid resources Are they all developed by TeraGrid? –No, we don’t make gateways the gateways you use, we make the gateways you use better –The strength of the program lies in the development of end user interfaces by those in the community TeraGrid does provide staff to assist with gateway use of the resources –Anyone can request support via the same peer review process used to request CPU hours or a data allocation –Works just like AUS Staff assigned to incoming projects AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Gateway-AUS crossover Several projects requesting multiple types of support today –Gridchem –Ultrascan Request for code porting/compiling, performance, parallelization, but also database and web server hosting and improved fault tolerance for grid software Please let me know if any of the researchers you work with have gateway needs –We can evaluate needs and assign staff with the right expertise to help –We’ll do the same if we see any requests for porting, scaling, optimization support AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Some history behind gateway allocations Individual and community allocations written into policy in 2002! –Dick Crutcher, John Towns, Phil Andrews, Nancy author white paper Today, the xRAC accepts and reviews proposals in four general categories –Individual investigators –Large research collaborations (e.g., MILC consortium) –Community Projects (e.g., NEES) –Community Services (e.g., ROBETTA) The general requirements for proposals of all four types remain largely the same. AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
I. Research Objectives Traditional proposals –Describe the research activities to be pursued –Keep it short: You only need enough detail to support the methods and computational plan being proposed. Community proposals –Describe the classes of research activities that the proposed effort will support. –Keep it short, but provide enough detail to support the rest of the proposal TIP: Reviewers don’t want to read the proposal you submitted to NSF/NIH/etc, but they will notice whether you have funding to pursue these activities. AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
II. Codes and Methods Very similar between traditional and community proposals. More significant if using ‘home-grown’ codes. –If using widely known third-party codes (e.g., NAMD, CHARMM, AMBER), you can cut some corners here, although you should explain why you chose this code over alternatives. Provide performance and scaling data on problems and test cases similar to those you plan to pursue. –Or that you expect the community to pursue. –Describe why this code is a good fit for the resource(s) requested and/or list acceptable alternatives. Ideally, provide performance and scaling data collected by you for the specific resource(s) you are requesting –This gives reviewers additional confidence that you know what you’re doing. AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
III. Computational Plan Traditional proposals –Explicitly describe the problem cases you will examine BAD: “…a dozen or so important proteins under various conditions…” GOOD: “…7 proteins [listed here; include scientific importance of these selections somewhere, too]. Each protein will require [X] number of runs, varying 3 parameters [listed here] [in very specific and scientifically meaningful ways]…” Community proposals –Explicitly describe the typical use-case(s) that the gateway supports and the type of runs that you expect individual users to make –Describe how you will help ensure that the community will make scientifically meaningful runs (if applicable) BAD: “…the gateway lets users run NAMD on TeraGrid resources…” BETTER: “…we expect most users to run NAMD jobs on [systems like this]…” BETTER STILL: “…the gateway allows users to run NAMD jobs on up to 128 processors on problem sizes limited [in some fashion]…” AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
IV. Justification of SUs (Traditional) Traditional proposals –If you’ve done sections II and III well, this section should be a straightforward math problem –For each research problem, calculate the SUs required based on runs defined in III and the timings in section II, broken out appropriately by resource Reasonable scaling estimates from test-case timing runs to full-scale production runs are acceptable. –Clear presentation here will allow reviewers to cut time in a rational fashion AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
IV. Justification of SUs (Community) Community proposals –The first big trick: Calculating SUs when you don’t know the precise runs to be made a priori. –In Year 2 and beyond Start with an estimate of total usage based on prior year’s usage patterns and estimate for coming year’s usage patterns (justify in Section V). From this information, along with data from sections II and III, you can come up with a tabulation of SU estimates. –Year 1 requires bootstrapping Pick conservative values (and justify them) for the size of the community and runs to be made, and calculate SUs. TIP: Start modestly. If you have ~0 users, don’t expect the xRAC to believe that you will get thousands (or even hundreds) in the next year. AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
V. Add’l Considerations (Community) For community proposals, these components can provide key details: –Community Support and Management Plan Instead of staff/experience You may want to include brief description of gateway interface, the fact that it has been used for production work, relevant development effort — in terms of how it helps community burn SUs. If you have a plan for growing the user community, for “graduating” users from the gateway to their own MRAC awards, it would be good to mention. If you somehow regulate “gateway hogs,” describe that. –Progress report: Provide details of the actual user community and usage patterns seen in the prior award period. List manuscripts published, accepted, submitted or in preparation, thanks to this service. Helps convince xRAC that SUs haven’t gone down a black hole. –Local computing environment, Other HPC resources: Same as for traditional proposals. AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
3 steps to connect a gateway to TeraGrid Request an allocation –Only a 1 paragraph abstract required for up to 200k CPU hours Register your gateway –Visibility on public TeraGrid page Request a community account –Run jobs for others via your portal Staff support is available! AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Tremendous Opportunities Using the Largest Shared Resources - Challenges too! What’s different when the resource doesn’t belong just to me? –Peer-reviewed requests for resources –Resource discovery, fault tolerance –Accounting Must keep track of who’s used what on the gateway Attribute-based authentication for TeraGrid jobs –Security –Software registry for TeraGrid Tremendous benefits at the high end, but even more work for the developers Potential impact on science is huge –Small number of developers can impact thousands of scientists –But need a way to train and fund those developers AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
What are we working on now? Arroyo –Adaptive optics corrections for telescopes GridChem Ultrascan –Analysis of ultracentrifugation experiments Earth System Grid-Community Climate System Model GISolve SimpleGrid Social Informatics DataGrid Open Life Sciences Gateway Pyrosequencing RENCI Bioportal Asteroseismology Modeling Portal Uintah Gateway software listing Investigate use of TG for overflow OSG jobs –RENCI bioportal, nanoHUB, using both resources Common treatment of community accounts Attribute-based authentication AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
From the Condor flock to Kraken From simple interfaces to complex video analysis Diverse goals keep program interesting AMP gateway, –Derive the properties of Sun-like stars from observations of their pulsation frequencies –Kepler mission will use asteroseismology to determine precise absolute sizes of the potentially habitable Earth-like planets –Simple interface, few input parameters, very large CPU consumption on Kraken, database kept so simulations aren’t re-run Robetta gateway, –Protein structure prediction –Provides access to Dr. David Baker’s award-winning Rosetta code –2M hours on Purdue’s Condor pool, very successfully using this time, reduced calculation backlog to zero recently running 300 jobs simultaneously Social Informatics DataGrid, –Slide later AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Gateway activities in PY6 aka the extension Helpdesk support expanded –From.2 FTE in PY5 to 1.7 in Extension [NCSA, Purdue] Helpdesk and Condor support, new GIS communities, SimpleGrid extensions Accounting –Improved views for gateways now that we have attributes [TACC] Community accounts –Continued work toward improved standardization [NICS] Prebuilt VMs with gateway software –OGCE, SimpleGrid [IU, NCSA] Online tutorials with CI Tutor and the EOT team –OGCE, SimpleGrid [IU, NCSA] More example-based documentation –Less talk, more action, short videos, based on user feedback [NCSA, SDSC] AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
What else is exciting? SGW funding a Cyber-GIS workshop in conjunction with the UCGIS meeting in DC in February –Co-led by Shaowen Wang at NCSA and Nancy –Approved by UCGIS board after a lengthy voting process –Winter UCGIS meeting will focus on CI and includes a White House briefing Workshop attendees welcome to attend the briefing Briefing will include very short recap of the workshop –Expected outcome of the workshop Increased awareness of CI resources for GIS researchers Increased visibility for TeraGrid New partnerships for TeraGrid, UCGIS, and other pertinent organizations Workshop report Interesting collaborative proposal ideas Potential future publications AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
A few gateways in detail AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
SCEC Gateway used to produce realistic hazard map Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) map for California –Created from Earthquake Rupture Forecasts (ERC) ~7000 ruptures can have 415,000 variations Warm colors indicate regions with a high probability of experiencing strong ground motion in the next 50 years Ground motion calculated using full 3-D waveform modeling for improved accuracy –Results in significant CPU use AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
SCEC: Why a gateway? Calculations need to be done for each of the hundreds of thousands of rupture variations –SCEC has developed the “CyberShake computational platform” Hardware, software and people which combine to produce a useful scientific result –For each site of interest - two large-scale MPI calculations and hundreds of thousands of independent post-processing jobs with significant data generation »Jobs aggregated to appear as a single job to the TeraGrid »Workflow throughput optimizations and use of SCEC’s gateway “platform” reduced time to solution by a factor of three –Computationally-intensive tasks, plus the need for reduced time to solution is a priority make TeraGrid a good fit AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: S. Callahan “Reducing Time-to-Solution Using Distributed High-Throughput Mega- Workflows – Experiences from SCEC CyberShake”.
GridChem Understanding molecular structure and function increasingly important in many fields –Materials for electronics, biotechnology, medical devices, pharmaceutical design GridChem provides reliable infrastructure for computational chemists –NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI) project Requested and received advanced support from TeraGrid –Addressing issues which benefit all gateways, support team led by IU Common user environments for domain software access Standardized licensing Application performance characteristics Incorporation of additional data handling tools and data resources Fault tolerant workflows Scheduling policies for community users Remote visualization AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
GridChem: Why a gateway? Integrates high end resources in a desktop environment –Client-server approach allows work to continue while disconnected (plane flights) –Ability to monitor jobs across sites –Access to individual allocations –In the future, linkage of multi-scale packages Focus on chemistry research without learning the intricacies of each system –Time limits, nodes, processors, memory, disk space, etc AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Robetta Gateway Protein structure prediction with an award-winning code Protein structure prediction is among many important problems in bioinformatics. The Rosetta code, from the David Baker laboratory, has performed very well at CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) competitions –Available for use by any academic scientist via the Robetta server Robetta developers able to use TeraGrid’s existing gateway infrastructure, including community accounts and Globus –This very successful group needed no additional TeraGrid assistance to incorporate TeraGrid resources into the Robetta gateway Google scholar reports 601 references to the Robetta gateway, including many PubMed publications AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Robetta: Why a gateway? Bioinformatics has long history of web-based services –NCBI Blast server from the 1990s Easy input from the web Access to top modeling code for all researchers AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Social Informatics Data Grid Collaborative access to large, complex datasets SIDGrid is unique among social science data archive projects –Focused on streaming data which change over time Voice, video, images (e.g. fMRI), text, numerical (e.g. heartrate, eye movement) –Provides the ability to investigate multiple datasets, collected at different time scales, simultaneously Large datasets result –Sophisticated analysis tools AUS telecon, January 28,
SIDGrid: Why a gateway? Social scientists have traditionally worked in isolated labs without the capability to share data or insights with others. –Data that is expensive to collect can now be shared with others –Geographically distant researchers can collaborate –Complex analysis tools and workflows available for all –Researchers have access to high performance computational resources TeraGrid used for computationally-intensive tasks such as media transcoding algorithms for pitch analysis of audio tracks and fMRI image analysis AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: Dr. Steven Boker, Notre Dame
Viewing multimodal data like a symphony conductor “Music-score” display and synchronized playback of video and audio files –Pitch tracks –Text –Head nods, pause, gesture references Central archive of multi-modal data, annotations, and analyses –Distributed annotation efforts by multiple researchers working on a common data set History of updates Computational tools –Distributed acoustic analysis using Praat –Statistical analysis using R –Matrix computations using Matlab and Octave AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: Studying Discourse and Dialog with SIDGrid, Levow, 2008
Uintah Product of a Utah's DOE ASC Center – C-SAFE Component based framework for solving PDEs on structured AMR grids. Computations are expressed as tasks based on inputs and outputs for each patch in the structured grid. Tasks are organized in a task graph and assigned processing resources by the built in scheduler. Load balancing is achieved by a fast space filling curve algorithm for the patches. Primary components are CFD (Arches and ICE), Solid Mechanics (MPM) and Fluid-Structures (MPM-ICE) AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: John Schmidt, U Utah
Uintah CFD Components Industrial Flare Simulation using Arches Component Prediction of flame shape and tilt using LES Prediction of pollutant emissions AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: John Schmidt, U Utah
Fluid Structure Interaction Microscale Fluid Structure Interaction using MPM-ICE Component Array of pins undergoing deformation which influences heat transfer Potential application in CPU cooling AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: John Schmidt, U Utah
Solid Mechanics Simulation Shape charge detonating forming a jet of particles which penetrate a steel target using the MPM solid mechanics component. AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: John Schmidt, U Utah
Uintah Science Gateway Manage the end to end job submission and data management for TeraGrid resources. Use the Django framework and Postgresql for the front-end calling Globus scripts to interact with the back-end TeraGrid machines. Strictly web based. Target new and existing users. New users will take advantage of web front end for quickly getting up to speed on TeraGrid resources. Provide existing users with various data management and work flow features. AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: John Schmidt, U Utah
Scaling on Kraken Uintah scales to very large processor core counts Scaling for an AMR MPM- ICE (Fluid Structure Interaction) problem demonstrating both fixed and increasing problem size AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: John Schmidt, U Utah
Scaling on Kraken An AMR CFD example for the ICE component for large processor core counts Scales fairly well on Kraken both for fixed and increasing problem size AUS telecon, January 28, 2010 Source: John Schmidt, U Utah
Future Technical Areas Web technologies change fast –Must be able to adapt quickly Gateways and gadgets –Gateway components incorporated into any social networking page –75% of 18 to 24 year-olds have social networking websites iPhone apps? Web 3.0 –Beyond social networking and sharing content –Standards and querying interfaces to programmatically share data across sites Resource Description Framework (RDF), SPARQL AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Gateways can further investments in other projects Increase access –To instruments, expensive data collections Increase capabilities –To analyze data Improve workforce development –Can prepare students to function in today’s cross-disciplinary world Increase outreach Increase public awareness –Public sees value in investments in large facilities –Pew 2006 study indicates that half of all internet users have been to a site specializing in science –Those who seek out science information on the internet are more likely to believe that scientific pursuits have a positive impact on society AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Sustainability is the key though Scientists will tie their research to a tool that they aren’t convinced has a long life –But, all projects can’t be funded for the long term Nancy currently leading small 2-year EAGER study to look at the characteristics of gateways that warrant sustained funding –Working with Katherine Lawrence, U Michigan School of Information AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Tremendous Potential for Gateways In only 18 years, the Web has fundamentally changed human communication Science Gateways can leverage this amazingly powerful tool to: –Transform the way scientists collaborate –Streamline conduct of science –Influence the public’s perception of science Reliability, trust, continuity are fundamental to truly change the conduct of science through the use of gateways –High end resources can have a profound impact The future is very exciting! AUS telecon, January 28, 2010
Please let us know if you see gateway interest from researchers you work with. Thanks for the opportunity to present. Nancy Wilkins-Diehr,