Welcome to the Crowder College Pre-College Orientation Fall 2013
*Academic Timetable*
Academic Year 2013/2014 Fall 2013 August-December Spring 2014 January-May Summer 2014 June-July * period from August to July during which a normal school calendar runs. * timeframe for which financial aid is awarded. * usually divided into fall, spring, & summer periods called semesters. Academic Year
2013 Fall Semester August 19 - December 13 College Orientation Speech Lifetime Fitness & Wellness English Composition Intermediate Algebra Semester * separate periods that combine to make up an academic year. * classes usually run during an 8-week or 16-week period within the semester.
* generally, the number of hours per week a class meets each semester. * every class is assigned a specific number of credit hours. * cost is based on the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in per semester. Lifetime Fitness & Wellness2 credit hours English Composition3 credit hours Intermediate Algebra3 credit hours College Orientation1 credit hour Speech3 credit hours 2013 Fall Schedule 12 Credit Hours Credit Hour
Day8:00-8:509:00-9:5010:00-10:5011:00-12:1512:30-1:45 Monday Lifetime Fitness & Wellness -1 hour- Speech -1 hour- College Orientation -1 hour- Tuesday English Composition -1.5 hours- Intermediate Algebra -1.5 hours- Wednesday Lifetime Fitness & Wellness -1 hour- Speech -1 hour- Thursday English Composition -1.5 hours- Intermediate Algebra -1.5 hours- Friday Speech -1 hour-
Fall 2013 Academic Calendar July 1, 2013Financial Aid Priority Deadline for Fall Semester August 19, 20131st 16 week and 1st 8 week classes begin August 23, 2013Fall Enrollment Ends August 28, 2013 Financial Aid Census Date – 1st 8 week classes 100% Tuition & Fee Refund -1st 8 week classes ends Sept. 2, 2013COLLEGE CLOSED- Labor Day Sept. 3, % Tuition & Fee Refund – 1st 8 weeks classes ends Sept. 9, % Tuition & Fee Refund – 16 week classes ends 100% Book Refund (on qualifying books) ends Sept. 9, 2013 Count day for Reports on Enrollment Financial Aid Census Date for 16 week classes Sept. 17, % Tuition & Fee Refund – 16 week classes ends Sept. 27, 2013Last Day to withdraw from 1st 8 week classes Oct. 11, 20131st 8 week classes finals Oct. 14, 20132nd 8 week classes begin Oct. 23, 2013Financial Aid Census Date – 2nd 8 week classes Oct. 23, % Tuition & Fee Refund – 2nd 8 week ends 100% Book refund (on qualifying 2nd 8 week classes) ends Oct. 28, % Tuition & Fee Refund – 2nd 8 week ends Nov. 11, 2013Priority enrollment for Sophomores 28 hours or more Nov. 14, 2013Last Day to withdraw from 16 week classes Nov. 14, 2013Priority enrollment for Freshman 27 hours or less Nov. 25, 2013Open enrollment through 1st week of classes Nov. 26, 2013Last day to withdraw from 2nd 8 week classes Nov , 2013COLLEGE CLOSED- Thanksgiving Break Dec. 9-13, 2013Finals for 16 week and 2nd 8 week classes Dec. 13, 2013Grades are due online by 1:00pm Dec. 14, 2013Graduation commencement Dec. 23, Jan. 1, 2014COLLEGE CLOSED- Winter Break
*Financial Aid*
Student Financial Aid * Financial aid consists of funds provided to students and families to help pay for college expenses.
Types of Financial Aid * Scholarships * Grants * Loans
Scholarships * Scholarships are not repaid. * Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, skill, or a unique characteristic.
Grants * Grants are not repaid. * Grants are most often awarded on the basis of financial need.
Loans * Loans must be repaid. * Loans consist of money that students and parents borrow to help pay for college expenses. * Repayment of loans usually begins after the student’s education is completed. * Loans should be limited to the amount of financial need. * Loans should be considered an investment in the student’s future.
Key Financial Aid Terms * COA: Cost Of Attendance * EFC: Expected Family Contribution * SAR: Student Aid Report * PIN: Personal Identification Number * FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid * Submission confirmation * Financial Need
Financial Need Cost Of Attendance (COA) - Expected Family Contribution (EFC) _______________________________ = Financial Need
FAFSA * The FAFSA may be filed at any time during an award year. * An award year begins on July 1 st and ends on June 30 th of the following year. * The FAFSA may be filed electronically or using paper form (electronic filing preferred). * The application form (FAFSA) is available in English and Spanish. * The deadline for filing a FAFSA in Missouri April 1st to receive MO Access Funds.
Major Federal Aid Programs * PELL Grants * Student Loans
PELL Awards * The Pell is an annual award. * The Pell award is based on the EFC. * The Pell is awarded in two installments most often in the fall and spring semesters. * The amount of the award is based on enrolled credit hours and adjusted accordingly. (cont.)
PELL Awards * 12+ credit hours = full time enrollment Full Pell award = $5,645 * 9-11 credit hours = ¾ time * 6-8 credit hours = ½ time * 1-5 credit hours = less than ½ time Less than ½ time Pell award = $1,411
Student Loans Student must be enrolled at least half time. Entrance counseling must be completed before signing a Student loan promissory note. * Loan applications found on Crowder website.
Attempted hours vs. Earned hours
Payment Deadlines Fall 2013 Semester Friday, August 23, 2013 Sign up for payment plan if needed
Serves as a student’s college ID card as well as a potential debit card for Crowder College financial aid refunds. Crowder College OneCard
Financial Aid Assistance * Advisors for Crowder College’s Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) are available for assistance with accessing federal financial aid. * For assistance call toll free or