Iconoclasm Invasion of Scotland Somerset’s Protectorship Chantries Factional rivalry Debasement & Inflation Enclosure Influenza
Act of Uniformity Western Seymour Kett’s Somerset falls Book of Common Prayer Northumberland Lord President Repeal of Sheep Tax Treaty of Boulogne
nd Act of Uniformity Scotland Somerset 42 Articles Book of Common Prayer Marian Rising Edward Act of Repeal Devise & LJG
Papacy Restored Marriage to Philip Wyatts Heresy Acts Burnings Cramner Harvest failure & famine Jane Grey 2 nd Act of Repeal
War with France Harvest fails (M) Loss of Calais Mary Elizabeth ( E) Privy Council Cecil appointed Influenza
Act of Uniformity Cateau- Cambrésis Elizabeth’s coronation Lords of Cong. Smallpox crisis Act of Supremacy 39 Articles Edinburgh Support for French Hug’ts
Articles Parliament: pressure to marry Troyes Convocation Foxe’s Book of Martyrs Neth’ds trade embargo Parliament: pressure to marry
Parker’s Advertisements Vestments controversy Duke of Alba to the Netherlands Faction: marriage to Charles Parliament: pressure to marry MQS abdicates
Douai San Juan MQS in England Scottish Border issue MQS/ Norfolk marriage conspiracy Northern Spanish Bullion
Excommunication of Elizabeth Earl of Moray Treasons Act Northern suppressed Ridolfi Plot W. Cecil = Ld Burghley Parliament in session 39 Articles
Admonitions Sea Beggars Drake in W.I. Walsingham Sec of State Blois St Bart’s Massacre, Paris Missionary Priests Arrive Neths trade returns Parl. pressure over heir Norfolk
Grindal made ABC New Spanish offensive in Netherlands Spanish ‘Fury’ Parl: Peter Wentworth Act for relief of poor Pacification of Ghent
Cutherbert Mayne (Sem Priest) Drake begins circumnavigation Faction: Marriage & succession Anjou marriage negotiations Faction: supporting Netherlands Grindal suspended Prophesyings ?
Faction: marriage to Anjou & succession Jesuits Spain annexes Portugal Prophesyings
Act of Due Obedience Classis system emerges throughout 1580s Campion (Jesuit)
Whitgift made ABC Throckmorton Plot Spanish Ambassador expelled Bond of Association Whitgift’s Articles Catholic League Formed William of Orange assassinated Joinville
Act against Jesuits and Sem. Priests Nonsuch Parliament in session Parry plot Babington Plot Food riots in Hampshire Mary, Queen of Scots
Bill and Book Attack on Cadiz Marprelate Tracts ARMADA! Leicester
Archpriest Drake’s expedition to Portugal Walsingham Hatton Cecil promoted
Drake attacks Lisbon Faction: Essex joins council Madre de Dios =£££ Frobisher and Cumberland, twice Bad harvests start
Drake and Hawkins fail in West Indies Sack of Cadiz Cecil Sec of State Worst harvest of century Tyrone’s Anti enclosure and food riots in South Faction: Essex’s poor leadership
Poor Law Poor harvest Raid on Puerto Rico Burghley Famine Parliament in session Relief of Poor Act Riots in London across 1590s
Cecil Master of the Rolls Mountjoy replaces Essex in Ireland Monopolies issue Revised Poor Law Essex returns form Ireland
Golden Speech Essex Elizabeth Tyrone’s Parliament in session James End of War with Spain in 1604