Remote Jobs & Communities Program Community consultation August 2012
Currently there are four separate employment programs in the East Kimberley with multiple providers CDEP Participation in activities and training Providers based in community JSA Placement in full-time employment Providers based in towns and visiting remote communities regularly DES Placement of disabled people in full-time employment IEP Funding for projects for Indigenous jobseekers
The new approach is the Remote Jobs and Communities Program (RJCP) which will have a single provider Training Support services Individual case management Community activities Job
A Community Action Plan will drive the design and delivery of job services Community Action Plan Outline community priorities Identify opportunities for: jobs industry-linked training community activities social enterprise WunanCommunity Results
If implemented well, the new program can benefit your community in many ways Job and trainingCommunity priorities & activities Jobseekers get training and help finding jobs Young people and disabled jobseekers get special help Community members can be employed to support jobseekers Communities build stronger relationships with employers Community decides on priorities for community projects Community members can be employed to run community projects Some funding for equipment for community projects Some jobseekers work on projects which benefit the community
Wunan currently provides an effective JSA service across the East Kimberley Where we currently workOur performance 630 clients on our current caseload 254 people placed in jobs by Wunan staff in the last year An average of 40% of jobseekers we place remain in work 3 months later Office in Halls Creek Office in Kununurra Visiting service to remote communities
Wunan offers experience and opportunity as a RJCP provider Wunan is a local Indigenous not-for-profit organisation, committed to supporting Indigenous people to create their own future. We aim to build stronger communities As well as employment services, Wunan is involved in many other activities to improve the lives of Aboriginal people, including housing and education Wunan can link your community with valuable expertise and resources through Jawun Wunan is experienced in delivering employment services