Illinois Highway Statistics Population12.9 Million Licensed Drivers8.19 Million Vehicles Registered11.05 Million Passenger Cars Registered7.98 Million Annual Vehicle Miles of Travel105,637 Million Annual Gallons of Fuel Consumed6,329 Million Miles of Highways and Streets140,759 Highway Structures Greater Than 20’26,254 Public railroad Grade Crossings7,843 Private Railroad Grade4,648
Illinois 2008 Centerline Mileage SystemMilesPercentage State16,07511 Toll County16,50212 Township73,21852 Municipal34, ,759
Annual Vehicle Miles of Travel SystemMiles AVMT*Percentage State Toll8.68 County Township5.86 Municipal *AVMT in Billions
Number and Square Feet of Highway Structures SystemNumber%Square Feet% State7, ,556, Toll ,028, County4, ,557, Township12, ,267, Municipal1, ,361, Other ,900, Totals26, ,671,974100
1/ Based on Federal Highway Administration Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Standards Structurally Deficient and/or Functionally Obsolete Highway Structure 1/ SystemNumber%Square Feet% State1, ,840, Toll ,650, County ,455, Township1, ,655, Municipal ,072, Other ,372, Totals4, ,047,524100
Illinois First Keeping Illinois on the Move
The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 State System “Shovel Ready” $633 Million Improve 634 Miles Improve 36 Structures
The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 Local System $281 Million Allocation: $203 M to Populations > 200,000 $45 M to Populations 5,000 to 200,000 $33 M to 96 Downstate Counties
$449 million Improve 877 miles Improve 3 Structures FY-2009 Illinois Jobs Now
FY PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION $ Billion Total Program DistributionFY 2010FY State Highways Local Roads and Streets TOTALS