Plan and TIP Prioritization Process September 2015
Plan and TIP Prioritization Scoring Process The OKI scoring process for evaluating Plan and TIP projects contains both quantitative and qualitative factors. Revisions are presented to enhance the process. Long term Modal Uses existing data for most factors More general Fewer categories Generally capacity road and other modal capital Near term Modal Uses existing data for most factors More detailed More categories Federally funded &/or regionally significant TIP
Timing and Purpose Apply to the 2040 Update scheduled for application in Nov./Dec. 2015) and OKI Board adoption in June Refine existing process. Apply to project scoring processes beginning in Incorporate performance measures to the extent possible. TIP
Elements MODAL score + ALL projects score = Total MODAL Score (45 POINTS) Roadway Transit Non-Highway Freight Bike/Ped (New!) ALL PROJECTS Score (60 POINTS) recommended change to 55 TIP MODAL Score (45 POINTS) – recommended change to 50 Roadway Transit Non-Highway Freight Bike/Ped (New!) ALL PROJECTS Score (55 POINTS)
ROADWAY Proposed Changes - ROADWAY Safety: Change ranges per hundred million VMT Change congestion measure from LOS to Travel Time Index (TTI) TIP Safety: Change ranges per hundred million VMT Change congestion measure from LOS to Travel Time Index (TTI) Add IRI rating for pavement conditions Add sufficiency rating for bridges
ROADWAY Proposed Changes - ROADWAY TIP SAFETY Crash Rate (HMVMT) Point Value
ROADWAY Proposed Changes - ROADWAY TIP Existing Congestion Travel Time Index (TTI)Point Value greater than – 2.03 Less than 1.20
ROADWAY Proposed Changes - ROADWAY TIP Existing Conditions Pavement Condition IRI *Point Value Poor greater than 2205 Fair GoodLess than 950 IRI* International Roughness Index is a relative measure of pavement surface condition
ROADWAY Proposed Changes - ROADWAY TIP Existing Conditions Bridge Condition Sufficiency Rating * Point Value Poor Less than 305 Fair30 – 504 Moderate Good>800 Sufficiency Rating* - the higher the number the better the bridge condition
TRANSIT Proposed Changes - TRANSIT TIP Add Existing Asset Physical Condition - 5 points
FREIGHT Proposed Changes - FREIGHT TIP Add Existing Asset Physical Condition - 5 points
Bike/Ped (New category) Proposed Changes – Bike/Ped (New category) TIP Safety (5) Impact on safety (5) Facility type (10) Feasibility (10) Existing surface conditions (5) Complete streets (10) Status of project (5) Safety (10) Impact on safety (5) Facility type (20) Feasibility (10)
ALL PROJECTS Proposed Changes – ALL PROJECTS TIP Economic Vitality: Revise score to be based on existing jobs within ½ mile buffer of the project area. An additional 5 bonus points earned for documented investment value or jobs created. Delete Existing Condition. Factor moved to each MODE.
ALL PROJECTS Proposed Changes – ALL PROJECTS TIP Economic Vitality Jobs within ½ mile Point Value to to to 5000
ALL PROJECTS Proposed Changes – ALL PROJECTS Up to 5 bonus economic points TIP Investment BONUS New investment in project area $M Point Value $20 +5 $15 – $204 $10 - $153 $5 - $102 $1 - $51 Less than $10 Employment BONUS New Jobs within ½ mile Point Value – OR
ALL PROJECTS Proposed TIP Changes – ALL PROJECTS Intermodal Project requires new interactions or improved connections to score 5 points.
NEXT STEPS Prioritization Committee reviewsJuly 2015 Prioritization Committee approves August 2015 ICC approves September 2015 OKI Board approvesSeptember 2015