Extending Partnerships Simon Asquith Chair of APTE Now what….?
The basic offer… BA(QTS) / BSc(QTS) / BEd PGCE / SCITT GTP / RTP / Teach First / Teach Now ABR / OTTP
In 2008…
Training Routes - Primary HEI SCITT EBITT No of Providers No of Students %Postgraduate Undergraduate Postgraduate TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)
Training Routes - Primary TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)
Training Routes - Secondary HEI SCITT EBITT No of Providers No of Students %Postgraduate Undergraduate Postgraduate TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)
Training Routes - Secondary TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)
What if… Reduced / Removed Undergraduate? …and/or… Reduced funding by public purse of non-QTS first degrees?... (… and postgraduate ITE??) …and/or… Expansion of school/employer-based routes? …or… HEI cluster solutions? …or… HEI embedded solutions?
…future scenarios?
CulturalPedagogicalSubjectOrganisational Reduce/ Remove UG Reduce public funding of 1 st degrees Expand school/emp- based routes HEI cluster solutions HEI embedded solutions
…a culture of partnership?
APTE Some themes for the next 12 months
Ready for conference 2011 System leadership within a changing teacher education environment Partnership with academy schools Teach First / Teach Now SEN – NASC / Dyslexia, etc What curricula are we preparing our students to teach? A synthesis on phonics!
Ready for conference 2011 Partnership with Free Schools Are we raising the status of teaching? Sharing cluster-based approaches – ITE and CPD
Thank you for your participation We look forward to seeing you at our next conference 5 th – 6 th July 2010 Have a safe journey.