REVIEW Chapter 15. h` zw/h to.n qeo,n kardi,a su,


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Presentation transcript:

REVIEW Chapter 15

h` zw/h

to.n qeo,n






to, euvagge,lion

o` `Ihsou/j


ou-toj “This”

w[ste “Therefore”

eiv “If”

eiv mh, “Except”

ei-j “One”

mi,a “One”

h[dh “Now, already”

o[noma “Name”

ou`dei,j “No one, none”

pa/j “All”

peri, “Concerning” With the Genitive

peri, “Around” With the Accusative

sa,rx “Flesh”

su,n “With”

sw/ma “Body”

teknon “Child”

ti,j “Who?” “What?” “Which” “Why?”

tij “Someone” “Something” “Anyone”

Petroj hvn evn th/| Galilai,a|\

aivw,n “Age, eternity”

aivw,nioj “Eternal”

dida,skaloj “Teacher”

euvqu,j “Immediately”

e[wj “Until” Or As far as (with the Genitive)

e;sesqe, mou ma,rturej e;n te VIerousalh.m kai. evn pa,sh| th/| VIoudai,a| kai. Samarei,a| kai. e[wj evsca,tou th/j gh/jÅ Ya’ll shall be

maqhth,j “Disciple”

w[ste diV avnqrw,pou qa,natoj hvn

me,n “On the one hand” (followed by de ) “Indeed”

o` me.n ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou u`pa,gei kaqw.j ge,graptai peri. auvtou/( ouvai. de. tw/| avnqrw,pw| evkei,nw| diV ou- o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou paradi,dotai “goes up” “it has been written” “woe” “whom” “is given over” (Matt 26:24)

mhdei,j “No one”


mo,noj “Alone, only”

o[pwj “How, that, in order that”

e;dwken e`auto.n u`pe.r tw/n a`martiw/n h`mw/n( o[pwj evxe,lhtai h`ma/j evk tou/ aivw/noj tou/ evnestw/toj ponhrou/ kata. to. qe,lhma tou/ qeou/ kai. patro.j h`mw/n (Galatians 1:4) “He gave” “he might deliver” “present”

o[soj “As great as, as many as”

o[soi de. e;labon auvto,n( e;dwken auvtoi/j evxousi,an te,kna qeou/ gene,sqai( toi/j pisteu,ousin eivj to. o;noma auvtou (John 1:12) / “received” “he gave” “to become” “believing”

ou=n “Therefore, then, accordingly”

ovfqalmo,j “Eye, sight”

pa,lin “Again”

pou,j “Foot”

podo,j “Feet”

u`pe,r With Genitive: “In behalf of” With Accusative: “Above”

pneu/ma zwh/j evk tou/ qeou/ “A spirit of life from God”

eivj ta.j kardi,aj auvtw/n


kai. ei=pen auvtoi/j o` VIhsou/j\ oi` ui`oi. tou/ aivw/noj tou,tou gamou/sin kai. gami,skontai “Marry and are given in marriage” (Luke 20:34)



gunh, “Woman”

dikh, “Right”

di,kaioj “Righteous”

dikaiosu,nh “Righteousness”

dw,deka “Twelve”

e`autou/ “Himself”

evkei/noj “That”

h; “Or, than”

kavgw, “And I, but I”

maka,rioj “Happy, Blessed”

me,gaj “Large, great”

po,lij “City”

poluj “Much”

pw/j “How?”

o[pwj “How”

shmei/on “Sign, miracle”

nu/n kri,sij evsti.n tou/ ko,smou tou,tou( nu/n o` a;rcwn tou/ ko,smou tou,tou evkblhqh,setai e;xw (John 12:31) “Shall be cast out” “Judgment”

le,gei auvtw/| o` Pila/toj\ ti, evstin avlh,qeiaÈ (John 18:38)

eiv mh, “Except”

mi,a “One”

u`mei/j de. mh. klhqh/te r`abbi,\ ei-j ga,r evstin u`mw/n o` dida,skaloj( pa,ntej de. u`mei/j avdelfoi, evsteÅ But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers (Matthew 23:8) “Be called”

kai. nu/n o` avnticri,stoj evn tw/| ko,smw| evsti.n h;dh And now the antichrist is already in the world

Parakalw/ de. u`ma/j( avdelfoi,( dia. tou/ ovno,matoj tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ “I exhort” (I Corinthians 1:10)

ou`dei,j “No one, none”

le,gei auvtw/| o` VIhsou/j\ evgw, eivmi h` o`do.j kai. h` avlh,qeia kai. h` zwh,\ ouvdei.j e;rcetai pro.j to.n pate,ra eiv mh. diV evmou/Å “Way” “He Comes”

kai. basileu,sei eivj tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn And he shall reign for ever and ever (Rev 11:15) “He shall reign”

o` logoj avpo. qeou/ patro.j h`mw/n kai. kuri,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/Å

peri, Concerning With the Genitive

peri, Around With the Accusative

Louka/j evsti.n mo,noj metV evmou/ “Only Luke is with me”

Kai. o` lo,goj sa.rx evge,neto “Became”

Ouvk e;stin maqhth.j u`pe.r to.n dida,skalon ouvde. dou/loj u`pe.r to.n ku,rion auvtou/ A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master (Matthew10:24)

ca,riti de. qeou/ eivmi o[ eivmi “But by the Grace of God I am what I am” (1 Cor 15:10)

kai. ei=pen o` VIhsou/j\ tou/to, mou, evstin to. sw/ma to. u`pe.r u`mw/n “And Jesus said, ‘This is my body that is for you’”

Kai. euvqu.j h=n evn th/| sunagwgh/| auvtw/n a;nqrwpoj evn pneu,mati avkaqa,rtw| And immediately there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit (Mark 1:23) “Unclean”

Le,gei auvtoi/j o` VIhsou/j( Eiv te,kna tou/ VAbraa.m h=te( ta. e;rga tou/ VAbraa.m evpoiei/teÅ “you were” “you would do” (John 8:39)

auvtw/| h` do,xa kai. nu/n kai. eivj h`me,ran aivw/noj To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity (2 Peter 3:18)

kai. Mwu?sh/j me.n pisto.j evn tw/| oi;kw| auvtou/ And Moses indeed was faithful in His house

Petroj hvn evn th/| Galilai,a|\

o` logoj avpo. qeou/ patro.j h`mw/n kai. kuri,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/Å

h` avsqe,neia ouvk e;stin pro.j qa,naton avllV u`pe.r th/j do,xhj tou/ qeou/ “Sickness” John 11:4

eva.n ei;ph| o` pou,j\ o[ti ouvk eivmi. cei,r( ouvk eivmi. evk tou/ sw,matoj( ouv para. tou/to ouvk e;stin evk tou/ sw,matoj Hand If says the foot because I am not a I am not of the Body Not (less) this Not it is out of the body

su ei= ton dou/lon kuri,ou

evn th/| evsca,th| h`me,ra|Å

evn auvtw/| zwh. h=n( kai. h` zwh. h=n to. fw/j tw/n avnqrw,pwn John 1:4

e;stin ga.r sa,bbata tw/| kuri,w|

do,xa qew/|

evk ton oivko,n

evn tw/| euvaggeli,w|

o` de. qeo.j th/j eivrh,nhj suntri,yei to.n satana/n u`po. tou.j po,daj u`mw/n will crush (Romans 16:20)

…eivj th.n aivw,nion basilei,an tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n kai. swth/roj VIhsou/ Cristou/ …into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 Peter 2:11)

Timo,qeon evsti,n mou te,knon avgaphto.n kai. pisto.n evn kuri,w|

ta. te,kna tou/ qeou/

avgaphtoi,( nu/n te,kna qeou/ evsmen

o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou evn th/| do,xh| auvtou/ kai. pa,ntej oi` a;ggeloi metV auvtou/ (Matthew 25:31)

Kai. ivdou. avnh.r ovno,mati VIwsh.f, avnh.r avgaqo.j kai. di,kaioj

h` ga.r sa.rx evpiqumei/ kata. tou/ pneu,matoj( to. de. pneu/ma kata. th/j sarko,j “Lusts” Galatians 5:17

oi` a[gioi tou/ qeou/

To. musth,rion tou/to me,ga evsti,n\ evgw. de. le,gw eivj cristo,n kai. eivj th.n evkklhsi,an

Pau/loj avpo,stoloj VIhsou/ cristou/ katV evpitagh.n qeou/ swth/roj h`mw/n( kai. kurio,u VIhsou/ cristou/ th/j evlpi,doj h`mw/n… “Command”

Timoqe,w| gnhsi,w| te,knw| evn pi,stei( ca,rij e;leoj eivrh,nh avpo. qeou/ patro.j kai. Cristou/ VIhsou/ tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/nÅ “Legitimate” “Mercy”

tou/to ga.r qe,lhma qeou/ evn Cristw/| VIhsou/ eivj u`ma/jÅ …for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)