It is broadly recognised that including children in the process of making rules encourages them to feel a sense of ownership so there is a good chance they will respect the rules. Most importantly, keep rules short and positive. A maximum of three to five usually covers everything. To be positive, consider re-framing rules: for example “Don’t hit” could be re-framed “Be kind to each other” or “keep your hands and feet to yourself”. The following website was consulted during construction of this page: You may be surprised how insightful children can be when brainstorming suitable rules for any environment.
The High Five Poster is used at Albany Creek State School as a strategy to help students respond appropriately to negative social situations. Each of the five steps could be followed in sequence. However, if any student were to feel unsafe it is expected that they would report to a teacher for immediate support. You can help your child by talking about the High Five steps. Ask them what they can do if they feel bullied, for example. Help them to role-play possible solutions to problems. Remember your child needs to know that you trust them to be able to solve their problems and that they can talk to you any time if they need support.
Our RulesOur Rules Be kind to each other Clean up after ourselves Always use manners Respect each other’s property Bed time is 7:30pm If there’s a problem – try to work it out and then talk about it with mum and dad
Albany Creek State School Code of Behaviour In order to create a supportive environment which maximises the educational opportunities for all students, students will strive to: Use exemplary manners; Show respect for and consideration of self, others and property; Be increasingly responsible for their own behaviour and motivation; Be accepting and supportive of the diversity existing amongst individuals
If you have made a rules chart that we could share with other parents/carers, please contact us on (07) or drop in to the SNAP room