Miss Nguyen Contact information: Room: SA-3 Phone: (480) Available time outside of class time: LUNCH!!! Before and after school by appointment!
B.S. in Secondary Education in Biology!
Hobbies and Interest
Vietnam Born in Vietnam Raised here in the States!
Classroom NORMS! 1.Follow directions the FIRST time. 2.Respect yourself, others, and the things in the classroom. 3.Participate in group and individual activities and in-class discussions. 4.Be on time and punctual. 5.Be prepared: have all materials out on table and completed homework ready to turn in.
Consequences 1.Warning 2.Teacher-Student Conference, call home to parents, and detention. 3.Warning, parent-teacher-student in-person conference, and detention. 4.Referral to grade-level administrator.
Procedures 1.When Entering into the classroom. a.Enter the classroom quietly. b.Get into your assigned seat before the last bell rings. c.Take out materials – Pen/pencil Completed Homework Notebook
Procedures 2.When Exiting the Classroom: a.The TEACHER dismisses you! NOT the bell! At teachers instruction, pack up all belongings. b.Push your chair in before you leave your area. (6 th hour – put your chair up on the table).
Procedures 3. Individual Projects/Activities a. Sit in your assigned seats. b. Work on your own. c. Remain quiet during the duration of the working time.
Procedures 4. Group Projects/Activities/Labs a. Sit in assigned area or with assigned groups. b. STAY on task. c. Discuss quietly with group members. d. Every member MUST participate.
Procedures 5. Lecture a. All students are to remain silent during the teacher’s instruction/lecture. b. Raise your hand if you have any questions or comments.
Grading Components (Quarter Grades) – Test 25% – Quizzes25% – Homework10% – Projects20% – Labs10% – Bellringer/Summarizers10%
Grading Components (Semester) – 1 st (2 nd ) Quarter 40% – 3 rd (4 th ) Quarter 40% – Semester Final 20%
Late Work I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK All work is due at the beginning of class. Assignments turned in afterwards will not be accepted. See me if you have extenuating circumstances. – Family emergency – Medical emergency
“I Was Absent Yesterday” Look at the Daily Agenda to see what was covered the day you were out. Open the “Missed Work” bin. – Check for handouts, take one, read it, and complete it. Copy notes from a classmate. See me for clarification.
Bellringers At the beginning of each class, you will complete a Bellringer assignment.
Summarizers At the end of class, you will be given summarizers to help you reflect on the lesson. If no formal summarizer is given, write a summary of the lesson.
Policy on Hand-Held Devices Turn OFF all technological devices. Do not use hand-held devices during class. The device will be confiscated and turned in to office. – First offense: student retrieves phone after school – Subsequent offense: parent/guardian retrieves phone after school.