E-Twinning project: Global Christmas wishes CHRISTMAS IN ROMANIA PLESESTI SECONDARY SCHOOL - ROMANIA Teacher: Genoveva-Elena MOROSAN
Carol singing On Christmas Eve, children prepare to go carol singing. They make a “Star” with ribbons and flowers. It symbolizes the star that was followed by the Magi to find Jesus in Bethlehem.
“ Astazi s-a nascut Hristos! Today Christ is born! Children go from one house to another, singing carols and receiving pretzels, nuts, apples, cakes They put all the goodies in a special hand-made bag called “traista”
The “Bear” One child in the group wears a bear costume (sometimes it is real bear fur) and he performs a really cool dance which is called the “bear’s dance” This dance is a lot of fun and children really enjoy it
The “Goat” Two or more children wear hand- made colorful costumes and masks of goats They perform a nicely-paced dance, accompanied by music and funny rhymes
The Christmas tree A global tradition is to place a beautiful fir-tree in the living room and have all family members around and put ornaments and candies in it Santa Clause comes in through the Chimney and leaves gifts for the children
Traditional Christmas food Cozonac – home-made pastry with nuts and cocoa filling, absolutely delicious! Sarmale – cabbage stuffed with meat and rice, so yummy!