W HEN YOU COMBINE TWO COMPLETE SENTENCES, YOU FORM A COMPOUND SENTENCE. Most bears sleep all winter. Nothing disturbs them. Let’s combine these two sentences by using a comma and the conjunction “and”. Most bears sleep all winter, and nothing disturbs them.
W HAT ARE OUR COMMON CONJUNCTIONS ? And, but, or Very good! Remember to join two sentences by using a comma and a conjunction. For example:,and,but,or
L ET ’ S JOIN SOME SENTENCES. First, you need to remember that:,and joins together,but shows contrast,or shows choice Are you ready? Ok, let’s get started.
H ERE ARE THE TWO SENTENCES. Cubs can climb trees. Big bears are too heavy. Which conjunction should we use? Yes, we should use “but” because “but” shows contrast (how things are different) Cubs can climb trees, but big bears are too heavy. We should capitalize the first word in the compound sentence.
L ET ’ S JOIN TWO MORE SENTENCES. A mother bear must catch fish. Her cubs will be hungry. Which conjunction should we use? We should use “or” because “or” shows choice. So what will the compound sentence be? A mother bear must catch fish, or her cubs will be hungry. Good job!!
C AN YOU IDENTIFY COMPOUND SENTENCES ? Let’s find out? Kevin Culpepper liked the zebra, and his dad took pictures of it. Do you see a comma followed by a conjunction? Yes, we see a comma and the conjunction “and”. Do you see a complete sentence in front of the comma? Yes, you do. Do you see a complete sentence behind the conjunction? Yes, you do. Since we see two complete sentences joined with a comma and a conjunction, then the sentence is compound.
L ET ’ S TRY ANOTHER ONE !! Zebras have black and white stripes. Do you see a comma followed by a conjunction? No, you don’t. What is the conjunction? And Does the conjunction “and” join two sentences? It does not. Therefore, the sentence is not compound. Remember: You must have two sentences joined with a comma and a conjunction.
Y OU DID A FANTASTIC JOB IDENTIFYING COMPOUND SENTENCES !!! I think you are ready to practice independently. Follow these directions: Open your English notebook to a clean sheet of paper and write today’s date at the top. Now I want you to open your English books to page 20.