Assignments: -Type sentences using all of the kanji from the required list -Get gradesheet signed.


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Presentation transcript:

Assignments: -Type sentences using all of the kanji from the required list -Get gradesheet signed for projects Bellwork:Write pronunciation and English meaning 1)予定 2)予約 3)計画 4)旅行

Bellwork: Write in Kanji 1) Cheap; inexpensive 2) Train 3) Phone 4) To think 5) To say Assignments: -Type sentences using at least 20 of the kanji from the required list -Get gradesheet signed for projects

Bellwork: 1) 映画 2) 漫画 3) 映画館 4) 計画 5) 画家 Assignments: -Type sentences using at least 20 of the kanji from the required list -Get gradesheet signed for projects

Bellwork: write in kanji 1) all four seasons 2) Break 3) China 4) Korea Assignments: -Type sentences using all the kanji from the flashcard sheet. Get gradesheet signed for projects

Bellwork: 秋休みに何を するつもりでしたか。 Assignments: -Type sentences using at least 20 of the kanji from the required list -Get gradesheet signed for projects