ATVs, Golf Carts and Snowmobiles Aaron Anderson, City of Ely and Andy Lent, City of Vinton Handouts and presentation are available online at
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities What Can the City Do? – Nothing: State Code prohibits golf carts and ATV’s on public roads and streets unless City specifically authorizes them by ordinance. – Make it Simple: A blanket ordinance that authorizes both types of vehicles on city streets. – Make it Very Difficult: Allow by ordinance but with extremely restrictive conditions.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Where Is This Stuff in the State Code? ATV’s in Sections 321I and A. Golf Carts in Section
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities What Did Ely Do? Somewhere between “Simple” and “Very Difficult” City Council enacted ordinance that allows ATV’s and golf carts to be operated on city streets (only) if vehicle and operator meet conditions set by Ely City Council.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Why Allow Them in Ely? Resident requested City Council to allow ATV’s for “legitimate use”. City Council received petition requesting City to create an ordinance to allow them to be driven on city streets for “snow removal, lawn care and gardening.” (92 signatures) Resident convenience and fuel efficiency.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities You folks in Ely use Golf Carts to push snow? Golf Carts were added without the “legitimate” use requirement. Resident petition included allowing golf carts on city streets.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities ATV’s on Ely’s Streets Ely’s ordinance allows ATV’s on city streets if: – Vehicle is registered with the city. – For allowed purpose – If the vehicle has proper equipment. – If driver meets city’s requirements (more stringent than State Code minimum.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities ATV Registration in Ely Fill out the form (there is always a form) ATV must be registered with IDNR. Proof applicant owns the vehicle. Proof of insurance or financial responsibility per Sect B State Code. Owner/applicant pays annual $25 fee. City Clerk visually confirms.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Ely’s Authorized ATV Uses Snow removal – snowplow or blade has to be attached. Gardening and/or lawn work. Special events authorized by the City Council.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Required Equipment for ATV’s Must be equipped per Sections 321I.12 & 3211I.13, State Code - mufflers, headlights, taillight, brakes. “Bicycle” Safety flag - orange flag at least 5’ above ground. City sticker on rear, left fender when possible.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities ATV Driver & Driving Requirements At least 18 years old Must have valid Iowa Driver’s License No faster than 25 mph Must use lights when dark Not between 10:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. except for emergencies.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities ATV Driver & Driving Requirements ATV’s may be operated at night for snow removal only. Number of occupants not to exceed number of seats. Any street except State Street, but may cross. – State Code prohibits them on state highways.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Golf Cart Registration Proof of liability insurance – Most homeowners policies cover golf carts. Properly Equipped. Fill out the form (there really is always a form) Owner/applicant pays annual $25 fee. City Clerk visually confirms. “Off-Road Utility Vehicles” allowed as golf carts.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Required Equipment for Golf Carts Slow moving vehicle sign. (State Code) Bicycle Safety Flag. (State Code) Brakes. (State Code) Headlights Taillights Ely tag on left rear
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Golf Cart Driver & Driving Requirements At least 18 years old Must have valid Iowa Driver’s License No faster than 25 mph Only between sunrise and sunset (State Code). Number of occupants may not exceed number of seats.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Penalties 1 st Time - $100 fine and Ely registration revoked for 2 months 2 nd Time - $200 fine and 2-year revocation 3 rd Time - $300 fine and permanent revocation.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Ely Registration Process Vehicle owner fills out registration form. City Clerk visually inspects vehicle to make sure it has required equipment Owner pays $25 fee to City. Owner gets ATV/Golf Cart tag. 1-year registration, expires March 31.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Suggestions Use same color for ATV/Golf Cart tag you use for other annual city tags/stickers. Keep a list of registered ATV’s/Golf Carts. (Aaron’s morning “D’Ohh!” moment) Advertise that registrations have to be renewed & remind people who have tags.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Ely’s ATV & Golf Cart Challenges Active Enforcement – Ely contracts with Linn Co. Sheriff and does not have local police patrol. Violations – Difficult to catch, and can be difficult to prove identity. Misperception that driver doesn’t have to be at least 18.
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities “The secret to good government work is a good copy machine” – Prof. David Paulsen, U of Nebraska at Omaha, 1989(ish) Thanks to: – Gerald Clausen, City of Carroll – Scott Wynja, City of Sheldon – City of Swisher For the parts of Ely “borrowed” from your cities
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities In that good Iowa & Prof Paulsen spirit: Also in handout: – Ely’s 2011 Ordinance (No. 224) – Ely’s ATV/Golf Cart Registration form – Ely’s ATV/Golf Cart Registration tag – Also in electronic form (.pdf or Word format).
ATVs & Golf Carts in Cities Questions, Suggestions, Other Thoughts? Thanks! Aaron Anderson City Administrator City of Ely (319)