Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC): An Introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC): An Introduction

Level 1 Purpose To promote a sector wide approach to evaluations of tsunami response in order to optimise sector wide learning Level 2 Purpose To develop and validate procedures for future establishment of such a coordination mechanism

Synthesis Report Individual agency evaluations (own mgmt and/or sectoral) Joint thematic evaluations Individual agency evaluations (thematic) Common Framework/s Core Management Group ALNAP Secretariat: Coordination Online Forum Evaluation Map Longer term Study (06- ) E – V – A – L – U – A – T – I – O – N C – O – A – L – I – T – I – O – N Tsunami Evaluation Coalition: Structure & Activities

Reports Synthesis (Ev Lead, Coord + Consultant) Multiple dissemination & learning activities CORE MANAGEMENT GROUP ALNAP SECRETARIAT: Coordination Evaluation Leader (independent; hired thro ALNAP) Coordination Donor Response / FR LRRDNeeds Assessment Local / regional capacities LEAD AGENCY OCHA LEAD AGENCY DANIDA LEAD AGENCY SIDA LEAD AGENCIES WHO w/ SDC & FAO LEAD AGENCIES UNDP & DMI Framework for Joint Evaluations

How Jointly is ‘Joint’? JOINT EVALUATIONS: Recent Experiences, Lessons Learned and Options for the Future (Horst Breier) Decentralised multi- partner Joint activities focus on establishing common frameworks. Implementation is decentralised – ie, devolved to different partners in the evaluations (IDP Synthesis Study) Stratified multi- partner Partners enter on the understanding of some stratification of their respective roles (eg, lead agency + others in group)

Agencies Confirmed Donor UN Agencies Intl NGOs / RC Mvt DANIDAFAOWorld Vision - Canada DCI (Ireland) OCHAIFRC CIDAUNDPDEC MFA NetherlandsUNICEFDMI (India) SIDAWHO SDCUSAID Agencies Likely / Possible to Confirm Donor UN Agencies Intl NGOs WFPSC-UK WFPSC-UK UNFPAOxfam-GB CARE-US

Participation in Theme Groups Systemic & Cross-cutting Themes Confirmed Group Membership Coordination (incl civil-military) OCHA (group lead)FAO USAIDUNDP UNICEFIFRC Needs assessmentWHO (co-lead)OCHA USAIDFAO (co-lead) CIDAUNICEF SDC (co-lead)IFRC Donor response / FRDANIDA (group lead) DC Ireland World Vision - Canada DEC Local / regional capacities USAIDUNDP (co-lead) SIDADMI (co-lead) UNICEF LRRDSIDA (group lead) UNICEF Impact Assessment?IFRC?Oxfam-GB? SC-UK?Others

Evaluation Activity to Date (as notified for map) Concrete plans:36 agencies Total activities:44 Evaluations:26 (12 ‘traditional’; 7 ‘joint’; 6 real-time) Reviews:11 (5 ‘learning reviews’; 2 ‘after action’) Other:8 (various including surveys, research projects & monitoring visits) Joint:TEC Thematic Evaluations + IWG (World Vision Intl, Oxfam GB, Care) WHO, SEARO + HAC coordinated by OCHA Geographical emphasis: Indonesia, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka

Next Steps ALNAP Biannual: June ALNAP Biannual: June Completion of CFs & ToRs: June Completion of CFs & ToRs: June Hire Evaluation Leader: July Hire Evaluation Leader: July Hire Team Leaders/Teams: July/August Hire Team Leaders/Teams: July/August Evaluation Research: August-October Evaluation Research: August-October Reports: End November Reports: End November Synthesis: December-February Synthesis: December-February Anniversary Communique: December Anniversary Communique: December Learning Activities: ongoing (July 06) Learning Activities: ongoing (July 06)