The FRANZ Arrangement: A commitment to Effective Coordination
Arrangement between France, Australia, New Zealand Signed on 22 December 1992 Civilian led, that is supported by the defence forces of FRANZ partners What is FRANZ?
It’s a coordinating mechanism that: “exchanges information to ensure the best use of assets and other resources for relief operations after cyclones and other natural disasters in the region.” What is FRANZ?
Coordinate closely with the affected countries Coordinates with the Pacific Humanitarian Team (UN led, and includes the Red Cross and civil Society organisations) Coordination helps ensure the needs of the affected country can be meet FRANZ Coordination
New Zealand places great value on the FRANZ Arrangement. It is a simple, flexible and responsive response mechanism. Advantages of FRANZ
The chair rotates between FRANZ partners biennially New Zealand is the current chair, France will hold it from October 2015 until October Then Australia. Annual meetings are a good chance to discuss any issues arising from the previous cyclone season During a Response - Chair’s responsibility is to coordinate meetings and action points arising out of a response. Chair
The effectiveness of FRANZ Arrangement has been well demonstrated in recent years. This has included the response to: the 2007 tsunami in the Solomon Islands, the Pacific tsunami in 2009, Ian (Tonga) during the 2013/14 cyclone season. FRANZ in Action
Pacific Tsunami Response
Cyclone Evan
Cyclone Ian Response