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2 Proposed Healthcare, Population and Behavioral Sciences Division Anita Miller Sostek, Ph.D. Peer Review Advisory Committee National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services December 3, 2007
3 Proposed Healthcare, Population and Behavioral Sciences Division Second stage of reorganizing the review divisions at CSR Aims: Better cluster science in this area and move the IRGs to 8-12 SRAs each Have community interest and buy-in (Open Houses)
5 Outline for Five Review Divisions Neuroscience, Development and Aging BDCN (11), IFCN (9), MDCN (10), ETTN (8), & BDA (7) Healthcare, Population and Behavioral Sciences BBBP (10), Epi/Pop HOP (10), Healthcare/Methods HOP (10), RPHB (8), AARR (9) Tentative: Translational and Clinical Science Integrated Biology and Clinical Science Basic Biomedical Sciences
6 DHPB development process CSR OD and DDs developed a draft plan. PRAC subcommittee invited to teleconference on 11/6 to IC Directors and affected Chiefs asking for comment. Meeting with affected Chiefs and SROs. Plan then sent to CSR All. Comments due from all ICs, Chiefs, SROs, etc. 11/28; comments incorporated into final plan to present to PRAC. Presentation to PRAC on 12/3. Guidelines for split IRG posted. IRG Chief recruitment. Begin third phase of realignment before 4/7/08 PRAC meeting.
9 IRGs that remain intact AIDS and Related Research (AARR) – 9 SROs – origin: DBBD Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes (BBBP) – 9 SROs – origin: DCPS Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior (RPHB) – 8 SROs – origin: DCPS IRG that changes CURRENT: Health of the Population (HOP) –19 SROs– origin: DCPS PROPOSED: Epidemiology and Population Sciences (HOP I) ~ 10 SROs Healthcare Delivery and Methodologies (HOP II) ~ 10 SROs
10 Epidemiology and Population Sciences (HOP I) Behavioral Genetics and Epidemiology (BGES) Cardiovascular and Sleep Epidemiology (CASE) Epidemiology of Cancer (EPIC) Infectious Diseases, Reproductive Health, Asthma and Pulmonary (IRAP) Kidney, Nutrition, Obesity and Diabetes (KNOD) Neurological, Aging and Musculoskeletal Epidemiology (NAME) Social Sciences and Population Studies (SSPS) (Related SEPs and Population Sciences Initiatives)
11 Healthcare Delivery and Methodologies (HOP II) Biostatistical Methods and Research Design (BMRD) Community-Level Health Promotion (CLHP) Community Influences on Health (CIHB) Health Services Organization and Delivery (HSOD) Nursing Science: Adults and Older Adults (NSAA) Nursing Science: Children and Families (NSCF) Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics (BCHI) ** Health of the Population Small Business Activities Standing Ethics SEPs Health of the Population Fellowships (F16) (Related SEPs and Community Prevention Initiatives)
12 Issues Discussed at the PRAC Working Group Fit of the AIDS and Related Research IRG Proposed transfer of the Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics (BCHI) study section Issues concerning the composition of individual study sections were noted but will not be addressed by this process
13 Comments from ICs and CSR staff Comments were overall supportive of the proposed division NCI sought a broader distribution of professional disciplines in the areas of rehabilitation. Guidelines for BCHI will be realigned and some material will remain in the Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering IRG.