© 2008 UNDP. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Proprietary and Confidential. Not For Distribution Without Prior Written Permission. Climate Change in UNDAFs Climate Change Workshop: A training course for RBEC Deputy Resident Representatives 16 December 2008 Istanbul, Turkey
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 1 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Climate Change in UNDP Strategic Plan Mainstreaming Environment and Energy Promoting adaptation to climate change Mobilizing environmental financing Expanding access to environmental and energy services for the poor at the local level
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 2 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management UNDP’s climate change strategy has four pillars 4 Integrate climate change into UN and UNDP development assistance at the global, regional and national levels 4 Improve the capacity of developing countries to design integrated climate change action and investment plans 1 Strengthen the capacity of developing countries to attract and drive direct investment towards lower carbon technologies and sustainable land use practices 3 Enhance the capacity of developing countries to implement early adaptation actions and long term resilience plans 2
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 3 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Pillar 4 Strategic Priority 4: Integrate climate change into UN and UNDP development assistance at global, regional, national level Establish mechanism to systematically integrate CC risks into country programming Screening and re-orienting UN development assistance Capacity development for RR, RC, UNCTs, CD
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 4 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management UNDAFs in RBEC Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus BIH Bulgaria no UNDAF Croatia no UNDAF Cyprus no UNDAF Georgia Kazakhstan Kosovo no UNDAF Kyrgyzstan Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Poland no UNDAF Romania Russia no UNDAF Serbia (with Montenegro) Tajikistan Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 5 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management What UNDP can offer to support the Country Offices? Support in making sure that Climate Change needs are integrated in UNDAFs and in UNDP Country Programming Screening UNDP portfolios for climate change risks (climate proofing) Climate Change – in POPP (Guidelines under preparation) Update of UNDAF Guidelines under way and Guidance note on integrating Climate Change in the UNDAF process
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 6 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Case Study Mainstreaming Climate Risk Management into UNDP’s country programme in Vietnam
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 7 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Pillar 4: Climate-proofing UN and UNDP country programming Preparatory Phase: Country Climate Risk Profile Country Risk Profile Online national risk assessments Step 1: Risk Screening Step 2: Technical And Policy Assistance Step 3: Country Office Training Review UNDP/UNCT Programming for climate risks Identify adaptation opportunities Training (1 day) Online course (1 hour) Monitoring & evaluation tools
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 8 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Current Impact and Future Risks of CC Vietnam at high risk to climate change, including variability Current Impact Future Risks Economic loss estimated at $3 billion 4,000 lives lost from natural disasters from mil. people depend on emergency food 35,000 households reversed to poverty due to natural disasters per year 1 meter of sea level rise would affect 5% of land area, 7% of agriculture, leading to a reduction of 10% GDP 1 meter of sea level rise would displace 22 million people Development trend reversed in vulnerable areas
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 9 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Screening Programming Document – One Plan Vietnam - One UN pilot country Developed “One Plan” for 6 UN agencies - UNICEF - UNFPA - UNDP - UNAIDS - UNV - UNIFEM “One Plan-II” for 14 UN agencies under development - 6 original UN agencies - 8 UN specialised agencies “One Plan” was screened for cc risks & opportunities for adaptation
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 10 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Screening of Programming Document – One Plan CC Risks & Adaptation Opportunities in “One Plan” About 30% of activities at risk - Water & sanitation - Environmental protection - Health - DRR - Investment About 20% of activities offer opportunities - Enhanced planning, budgeting, coordination, M&E - Strengthened capacities of National Assembly, People’s councils, etc.
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 11 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Screening Project – DRR (1) Title – Flood Proofing of Poor Coastal/Inland Households in the Mekong River Delta Budget – USD 200,000 Activities 1. Concept for construction of a raised platform foundation to flood-proof houses presented to local people/government officials 1. Detailed design of a raised platform prepared 2. A raised platform constructed in select locations 3. for showcasing 4. Training programme designed & implemented for up-scaling Reconsider design/location Increase awareness on cc risks Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction & CC Adaptation Climate Change Risks, including Variability More frequent/intense extreme weather events 2 projects for disaster risk reduction screened
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 12 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Possible Next Steps : 3 Pillars 1.Advocacy to engage central and local Government, donors, NGOs, civil society, private sector - Policy dialogue and coordination - Reports (inc. NHDR), publications, economic assessment - Vulnerability assessment from SNC 2. Strengthen the involvement of UN agencies - Use the UN reform process - Capacity development to assess risks” and integrate adaptation 3. Integrate adaptation into UN country programming - Re-orient activities identified at “high risk” - Capitalize on activities identified as “opportunities (e.g. PAR)
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 13 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Guidance note on integrating climate change in the UNDAF process Response to requests for taking stock of CC related actions by various UN CT and identify “best practices” UNDG’s Inter-Agency Task team on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Opportunity for the UN CTs to show case their efforts November 2008 – case studies collected from different regions (RBEC: Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine) A guidance note will be produced in the first half of 2009
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 14 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Guiding questions to assess the “climate change” aspects in UNDAF Comparative advantage Access to national data and expertise on GHG sources, CC Mitigation options and climate risks assessment In RBEC: 15 years experience with promoting energy efficiency at national, regional and local level Focus and Prioritization CC Mitigation: identifying and promoting win-win options for cost- effective GHG emission reduction and national development (energy efficiency and renewable energy) CC Adaptation: identifying most vulnerable sectors and groups of people; designing and implementing specific adaptation policies and measures Alignment UNDP Strategic Plan and Climate Change Strategy
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 15 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management CC in recent RBEC’s UNDAFs: General Overview Overall, the depth of coverage of CC risks and opportunities is more limited than that of core HD ISSUES CC listed under environment-related UNDAF outcome (“Environment”, “Environment Sustainability”), or under democratic governance Weak linkages with UNDP core areas of work (such as poverty alleviation, social and economic development)
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 16 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management CC in UNDAFs: Agency Outcomes Case 1: UNDAF singles out CC from other environmental challenges: “The Government, industries and civil society take steps to adapt to climate change and mitigate its impact through energy efficiency measures and climate change adaptation policies” “+” Both CC Mitigation and Adaptation are considered “-” Lack of prioritization/focus – hence a bit too general Case 2: UNDAF refers to CC in connection with Disaster Management: “Improved national capacities to promote crisis management” “+” Focus: CC is linked to specific sector and UNDP Case 3: UNDAF emphasizes CC on the Output level under a broadly- formulated Agency Outcome: “Government has increased capacity to reduce environmental degradation and promote environmentally friendly actions and sustainable natural and cultural resource utilisation” “-” CC is considered only as “environmental” issue
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 17 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Examples of outputs envisaged under CC mitigation and adaptation, and proposed partnership arrangements: The Government and energy consumers are better equipped with knowledge, policies and pilot cases on wind energy market regulations, energy efficiency measures in sectors with high CO2 emission level. – UNDP, UNIDO Climate related and other hazards identified and reflected in national and local policy documents monitoring and mapping mechanisms for well-functioning early warning systems. – UNDP, WHO, UNHCR, UNESCO Government at State and regional levels have awareness, knowledge and take effective actions in the area of adaptation and mitigation to climate change. - UNDP, UNV, UNEP, UNESCO, FAO CC in UNDAFs: Agency Outputs
UNDP Environment and Energy Group 18 Climate Change Management and Sustainable Human Development: A training course for RBEC senior management Summary Climate Change is a rapidly growing priority area for UN/UNDP globally, and in RBEC UNDP’s comparative advantages are in our ability to link climate change and human development. This needs to be reflected in corporate planning documents. Climate Change is considered primarily as an environmental issue which poses limitations for implementation of adaptation and mitigations measures. Support to Country Offices is available from HQ (BDP) and BRC