การประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการ เรื่อง แผนงานและงบประมาณด้าน การเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ สำหรับภาคเกษตร Climate Change Planning and Budgeting for Agricultural Sector Pullman King Power Hotel
Key issues to be elaborated Why are we here? What are the objectives and expected outputs? Would it be useful for non-MoAC agencies? How do we run this workshop?
National Development Objectives Output 2 – Budgetary process Output 1 – Policy making process NESDB ONEP BoB MoAC Climate Change Source: World Bank Public Expenditure Management Handbook, 1998
Illustrative Impacts of Climate Change Agricultural / health policy targets GDP / GPP Government Revenue and Budget Expenditure More pressures to deliver results!!!
Project: Strengthening Thailand’s Capacity to Link Climate Policy and Public Finance Climate Change, not treated as a separated policy agenda, BUT mainstreamed into policy review, planning, and budgeting processes Strengthen efficiency and effectiveness of Climate Change related expenditure, based on the existing national system
Challenges / Key Issues Understanding Long term impacts vs. short and medium term planning and budgeting Cross-cutting thematic area Climate vs. Climate Change Capacity Tools Resources Institution Policy Legal mandate system Mechanism Agriculture
MoAC as a pilot case for Climate Change mainstreaming Productions/Outputs directly related to climate change risks Good pilot cases for adaptation (future rolling out to other sectors e.g. water, tourism) Largest proportion of allocated budget relevant to climate change A proportion of poor and vulnerable in this sector
MoAC’s Planning and Return on Investment 11 th National Economic and Social development Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development ( ) ONEP Climate Change Master Plan ( ) MoAC Agricultural Development Plan ( ) Strategic Framework for Climate Change Departmental/Sub- Departmental Planning Programme/Projects Climate change risks Return of Investment Benefit Approach to CC planning and Budgeting
Usefulness of MoAC pilot cases? CC Benefit Concept CC relevant Expenditure CC Scoring / prioritizing CC monitoring ONEP?? NESDB?? BOB?? MOAC??
Plan for Today Concept and Tools Illustrated by Countries Usefulness / Benefits to each agencies MoAC Case StudiesNext Steps