UI 370 Media Ethics H. Hamner Hill CSTL-CLA.SEMO.EDU/HILL/UI370
UI 370 Introduction H. Hamner Hill, Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion H. Hamner Hill, Political Science, Philosophy, and Religion Carnahan 211BB MWF, Carnahan 211BB MWF, Office Home Office Home
Nature and details of the course This is a lecture/Discussion course. The emphasis is on discussion. That means that the students will bear most of the responsibility for keeping the class moving. Students MUST be prepared for class.
Expectations of Students Students will be expected to: Students will be expected to: Be prepared to discuss assigned readings Be prepared to discuss assigned readings Prepare 5 case studies Prepare 5 case studies Prepare 2 short (5-7 pages each) interdisciplinary research papers Prepare 2 short (5-7 pages each) interdisciplinary research papers Prepare and delivery an oral summary of one of your papers Prepare and delivery an oral summary of one of your papers Complete a comprehensive final exam
Scoring Individual Papers50% Individual Presentation10% Case Studies25% Final Exam15%
Why Do We Need a Course in Media Ethics? Public Attitudes About the Media Rapid Technological Change Changing Business Pressures in the Media Media Consolidation and Conglomeration Changing Demographics Overview of Ethical Theory
What is a Theory? Scientific theories: –Tool for describing our experience –Tool for predicting future experience –Tool for organizing our experiences
Good Theories Must: Fit (generally) our experience Be subject to test and refutation
Are Ethical Theories Really Theories? What are the data in ethics? –Considered moral judgments Can ethical theories be tested? –Test cases and moral senses
Components of an Ethical Theory Theory of Value (Axiology) –Monistic (there is only one thing of value) –Pluralistic (several things have value)
Components of an Ethical Theory Theory of Value (Axiology) Theory of Obligation (Deontology)
Two Major Types of Theories of Obligation Relativist Non-relativist (absolutist)
Relativist Theories There are no universal or objective standards of right and wrong, there are no universal duties. “Right” is a concept that makes sense only in a context; what is right is relative to a context.
Non-Relativist Theories There are objective, universal standards of conduct that apply to all people in all settings.
Major Non-Relativist Theories of Obligation Consequentialist Duty Based Rights Based Natural Law Virtue Ethics
Consequentialist Theories The rightness or wrongness of an act is determined through reference to the consequences of the act. Right actions maximize value.
Duty Based Theories of Obligation Human reason allows us to discover universal duties or obligations that ew have to one another.
Rights Based Theories of Obligation People come equipped with a basic set of rights, respect for which is a defining feature of moral action. Right actions respect basic rights.
Natural Law The Divine law sets the standard for all human laws. Humans are obligated to act in accordance with the Divine law, and all human laws should embody it.
Virtue Ethics Act in ways that promote the development of and display virtuous character traits
Major Ethical Principles NonmaleficenceBeneficenceUtility Distributive Justice Autonomy Precautionary Principle
Nonmaleficence n Act in ways that do not cause harm or needless suffering to others. This principle is a formalization of the "above all else, do no harm" edict.
Beneficence Act in ways that promote the welfare of other people. This principle requires affirmative steps be taken to advance the welfare of others.
Utility Act in ways that maximize good and minimize harm. Right actions maximize some measurable thing of value.
Distributive Justice Act in way that promote a just* distribution of social goods. This theory needs an independent theory of just distribution to be workable.
Autonomy Act in ways that allow rational individuals to govern their own lives. Treat persons with respect and dignity and allow them to make decisions for themselves with regard to their own lives.
The Precautionary Principle Take precautionary measures to anticipate, prevent or minimize climate change and mitigate its adverse effects. Rather than await certainty, regulators should act in anticipation of any potential environmental harm in order to prevent it.
Roles, Responsibilities, Values and Conflicts
Social Roles and Institutions Established and continuing parts in a social enterprise Characterized by distinctive activity Special contexts of evaluation and appropriateness
Contexts of Evaluation and Appropriateness Prescribed means (constraints on reasons) Constraints on actions Prescribed ends
The Ecology of Social Roles A roles is shaped by the demands of complementary roles surrounding it, and roles change in response to changes in other interacting roles
Responsibilities and Values are Defined by Roles
Role Responsibilities Expectations that are placed on an agent in virtue of that agent’s acting in a certain role capacity
Role Responsibilities Expectations that are placed on an agent in virtue of that agent’s acting in a certain role capacity Included and excluded reasons--agents acting in roles are expected to use, or exclude certain types of reasons
People Fill Several Roles Simultaneously The fundamental values and responsibilities of different roles may come into open conflict Inconsistent social messages about values
Three conflicting roles ConsumerCitizenNeighbor
Values Vary by Role What is valued in one role may not be valued in, or may be harmful to, another
Inconsistent Social Messages About Values Success: wealth and avarice Work: virtue or punishment Societal Values: liberty, justice, and equality Land values: stewardship or dominion Confusion between morality and legality
M.L. King on Morality and Legality Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. We cannot change the heart, but we may restrain the heartless.
Law is External Morality is Internal Law is about what we MUST Do Morality is about what we STRIVE to Do and Be
Ethics is about doing more than you are required to do, but less than you are allowed to do Michael Josephson Michael Josephson