Student Affairs Mission The Division of Student Affairs serves the university by providing purposeful, student-centered programs and services, creating opportunities that facilitate the holistic development of students and developing a culture of engagement in the classroom, across campus and throughout the global community. Vision The Division of Student Affairs will be a leader in the development of a dynamic and diverse culture that facilitates learning and engages students.
FY10 Permanent Budget Augmentation Requests In Critical Need Order DESCRIPTIONAMOUNT REQUEST CATEGORY STRATEGIC INITIATIVESTRATEGYPHASE 1 Banner Security & Support Initiative (Staff, Software and Web-based Report & Scheduling System)138,000 Service requirement 2 Enhanced Recruiting Initiatives (Staff, Web-based College Info Sites, Bus Trips, Outreach to Student Populations, and Enhancement &121,116 Connected to a tactical plan Promoting Access and Affordability2D0 - 1 Expansion of Developed Recruitment Pipelines with Community Colleges) 3 Outreach Publications15,000 Connected to a tactical plan Promoting Access and Affordability2D % of Cost of Campus Events Management and R25 Administration112,316 Connected to a tactical plan Expanding Resources and Infrastructure1A1 5 Increased Commencement Costs30,424 Service requirement TOTAL $416,856
FY10 One-Time Budget Requests In Critical Need Order DESCRIPTIONAMOUNTREQUEST CATEGORYSTRATEGIC INITIATIVESTRATEGYPHASE 1 Three Year Pilot Project - Outreach in the Valley130,000 Connected to a tactical plan Promoting Access and Affordability2D % Cost of New R25 Server3,900 Connected to a tactical plan Expanding Resources and Infrastructure1A1 3 Technical Support of Admissions Initiatives8,000 Connected to a tactical plan Promoting Access and Affordability2D0 - 1 TOTAL $141,900