MSJC Computer Lease Prepared by: S Guarino February 2008 ©
System and Inventory The District supports about 720 desktop and laptop computers. Basic standards must be met to accommodate District needs and maintain levels of usability and compatibility. This achieves efficiency in training the user community as well as the technicians that maintain the systems.
System and Inventory The District supports about 720 desktop and laptop computers divided into four quadrants. At the start of our lease: QuadNumberAgePower A MB– 256MB B MB -512 MB C MB – 1GB D GB – 2GB
System and Inventory Each year, the Information, Communication and Technology Committee (ICTC) sets minimum standards based on standard district software. MSJC has enjoyed a long period of ‘software stability’ Software Microsoft XP Office 2003 Series - Word Outlook - Excel Powerpoint Hardware Pentium IV 256 will run Minimum standard is 1GB
System and Inventory After period of stability, MSJC is faced with major upgrade to standard software and hardware: Software Microsoft Vista Office 2007 Series - Word Outlook Excel Powerpoint Hardware Pentium IV 256 will run Minimum standard is 1GB
Computer Lease April 12, 2007 BOT approved Lease-refresh, noting benefits including: Provide desktop and laptop equipment on 4- year refresh cycle. Normalizes cash outlay Allows MSJC to realize economies of scale Avoids obsolescence Prepares inventory for Vista / Office 2007 Optimizes training and support Includes computer disposal program
Purchases Under Lease No A or B machines will run Vista - Need = 453 machines QuadNumberAgePower A MB– 256MB B MB -512 MB C MB – 1GB D GB – 2GB
Purchases Under Lease Need 453 in Purchased -216 (112 for Admin/Staff & 104 Faculty) ________________________ Still In Need 237 Cost was $ 1,440 each or $360/year Annual obligation $ 77,760 $ 1650 = $ 356,400. Realized 12 % per computer savings
Purchases Under Lease Additionally, Instruction purchased 205 computers for $ 370 Annual obligation is $ 75,850
Lease: Where Do We Stand Most ‘A’ machines gone. Some ‘B’ machines gone. A new inventory is being taken now. *launch payment spreadsheet QuadNumberAgePower A MB– 256MB B MB -512 MB C MB – 1GB D GB – 2GB
The Future of Leasing In MSJC base budget flat, or worse The lease dollars are generally from base funds A GO bond would have allowed some fund movement Taking lease monies off top of growth dollars has been discussed, and centralizing budget
System and Inventory Cost to lease $360/year = $ 259,200 (Compared to purchase figures) YearNumber purchased Cost eachTotal Cost $ 1,500$ 268, $ 1,560$185, $ 1,620$ 200, $ 1,650$ 165,000
The Future of Leasing ICTC support for leased technology model Need to move to Office Goal was to complete cycle in The need to move to Vista and Office 2007 is driven from Instruction and the need to stay current with marketplace and student demands.
The Future of Leasing Recommendation: Continue with the strategy to replace all ‘A’ and ‘B’ computers by end of Continue with the strategy to be Vista and Office 2007 compliant by