Welcome to our Reception Induction Evening Introduction Who’s Who? The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS)
Literacy, Communication and Language. The children learn through stories, books, singing and role play. Jolly Phonics/Reading Scheme/Phonic groups Circle time helps the children to develop their language and listening skills. They begin to form letters using paint, wet sand and foam.
Mathematics The children learn to recognise, order and form numbers from 1-10 and beyond. The children learn about shape, space and measures through practical activities. The children are always counting, sorting and making patterns.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development The children develop their social skills by working together in small groups and learning from one another. Circle time helps the children to become more confident and express their feelings. We always promote a safe and happy environment. Captain Cooper and Princess Perry.
Expressive Arts and Design The children love all of the creative activities. They explore with paint, glue, and different textures . They have the opportunity to dance, sing and play instruments.
Understanding the World The children love to investigate the world in which they live. They look for similarities, differences patterns and change. They use ICT to extend their learning. The children listen to stories and look at festivals to find out about different cultures and beliefs.
Physical Development The children develop their fine and gross motor movements. They begin to move with control and co-ordination. The children use the PE apparatus, the adventure playground, bicycles, scooters, bats and balls. The children use tools to build and construct.
Behaviour and Independence Independence Ladder and GOLDEN TIME Traffic Light Reflection Room. Rewards – stickers, certificates and post cards home.
Staying for Lunch The children are able to have a hot lunch or a packed lunch. They eat in the dining hall with the older children. Each table has children from upper key stage 2 to help and support the younger children.
Contact with Parents We have two parents evenings a year. Come in and see us about any worries or concerns. The children also have an annual report. PTA Parents’ Voice Class Assembly Open Day Family Walk School Trips Christmas Production
Bringing and Collecting Children In the morning, the children meet on the playground at 8.50am and initially a member of staff will come out to support the children. Registration is at 9am. Encourage your child to come in independently – we are aware that this will take time. We need to know who is collecting your child from school each day. Before and After School Clubs. At the end of the school day please collect your child from the double doors. Car Park/Safety
Going Home on the Bus Any children who go home on the bus will be escorted to the bus by a member of staff. We are not able to let your child onto a bus without written permission.
Uniform The Foundation Stage uniform is a polo shirt and sweat shirt. Our uniform promotes independence and shirts and ties are NOT part of the Nursery and Reception uniform. PE bag and named clothing School Bag
Questions Please fell free to ask any questions or see us over coffee!