Brisbane City Council Trial of Bike Racks on Buses Nov 2003
Background May 01 Lord Mayor sought QT approval and joint funding (declined) Oct. 01 joint BCC/QT/BT project established under BCC lead risk analysis conducted & containment actions agreed rack modifications & route testing commenced Oct Gov. permit granted & trial on 33 buses on 3 routes begins July 2003 Council commits $250k for more bike racks in 03/04 budget Oct Gov. extended the existing trial permit for further 12 months
Current Position Performance 1,794 users in first 12 months no incidents or injuries caused by the use of the racks Support 90% community support 90% user support (from brochures) strong support from bike advocacy groups keen interest from other states and bus operators the trial has been a success story for Council
Benefits Cyclists: avoids difficult cycle conditions allows longer trips, new destinations & mode links gives options (cycle in and bus it home) Communities: another clean & green mobility option less car use - safer and quieter streets Operator (BT): expands catchment area & customer base
Project Risk Containment Route testing and rack modification Communications & Marketing Daily log sheet for drivers Cyclist education & bus driver training Passenger/Community survey n BCC AC Nielsen surveys n Brochure /feedback form Ongoing Trial Control Group
Rack Modifications Painted safety yellow (was black) Additional energy absorption: n Crimping of wheel arms n Extra front panel Additional indicators & driving lamps Driver dashboard light (rack up/down) Arm crimping Extra indicators Extra Headlamps
432 Kenmore - University of Qld 440 Moggill - City Cityxpress 598/599 Great Circle Line (80km Loop) Route details at Where are they?
How do you use them? Takes about 10 seconds n Get bus drivers attention & load from kerb side n Pull down rack, load bike and lock front wheel More info at
Cost & Funding $5,000 per bus n $2,500 per rack (A$) from the USA n allow an extra $2,500 for BT modifications to the rack and three different bus fronts with extra electrical components Marketing and driver education costs are extra Totally funded by Council (federal scheme in USA )
Trial Outcomes Poor use on 432 route due to infrequent timetable and no weekend service Bike rack routes need to solve an access issue Mainly commuter based travel Community support is stronger than expected High demand for other routes 20” wheel size OK Limit of 2 per bus an issue 94% say its easy to use
Outlook l Council has allocated $250k in 03/04 l Working towards QT approval to extend the permit to other buses and routes l Route selection is under way l Rack modifications being reviewed l Challenge to get ADR’s amended in the longer term