Welcome to Second Grade! Ms. LeAnne Evans
Things I Like… Ms. LeAnne Evans I am passionate about teaching.
Weekly Schedule
Parent Volunteers Once a Week Reading Centers T-F 9:30-11:00 Reading Tutor 30 minutes Once a Month Meet the Masters Once a Term Parties: October, December, February Miscellaneous 2 Fieldtrips September And May Donations
Ways I Communicate Weekly Homework Forms Phone CallsSnail Mail Monthly Newsletters Group and Individual s Written Notes
Discipline~Fantastic Behavior Office Cowboy CashBurnham’s Bunch Principal’s 200 Club Class SMART Chart Class Points for a reward Lunch Bunch Excavation Dig
Discipline~Problematic Behavior 2 verbal warnings and sign in Think Time Note home~ and written Phone calls 3 Think Times in a week –Office Referral
Arrival Students will wait in the Sky Room or outside until first bell. Students will walk to the room and get ready for the day: empty backpacks, turn in homework, start morning work Listen to morning announcements
Dismissals Bus Students~Please send a written note on days your child isn’t taking the bus home Early Pick-ups~If you need to take your child out of school early (for doctor appointments, etc.), please check them out in the office. The office will call the classroom. Non Bus Students~Students will wait on the benches outside the Sky Room.
Field Trips Asking for a $10 donation (bus fare-once paid will not be asked for again) Wasatch State Park-end of September Hogle Zoo-end of May Community Field Trips
Birthday Celebrations Bring in a treat on the day of the celebration. If birthdays fall on a weekend or holiday bring it in the day closest to the natural birthday. Summer birthdays will be celebrated as follows: June birthdays in April; July & August birthdays in May. Handing out party invitations at school is not permissible.
Homework Homework will be sent home on Fridays Returned following Fridays Contains: Math practice, spelling words, reading homework form At home have a school supply kit: glue stick, scissors, crayons/markers, ruler, pencils, erasures
Return The First Days of School: Pink Volunteer Form Canary Yellow Emergency Form (Filled Out) Acceptable Use Form (Computer Use) $10 donation for Field Trips (bus fares) One box of Kleenex
Last thoughts: Each child can be successful. I will do my part to help your child succeed. School should be fun. I want your child to want to come to school. There is a time and place for everything. I try to include movement, songs, and group activities into lessons along with pencil and paper work.