Learning to enforce traffic rules by new means Mimes and citizens help taking over corrupt local traffic police and enhance self and mutual regulation Antanas Mockus Mayor of Bogotá ,
Citizen’s Cards
Trust Reputation Social recognition Social norms Regulatory Mechanisms Fear of legal sanction or moral obligation to obey the law Admiration for the law Fear of guilt or moral obligation to follow personal moral criteria Moral self-gratification Fear of social rejection Legal norms Moral norms
¿Will the mimes put fines?
Mobility Mimes instead of Traffic Police in a small part of Central Bogotá succeeded in enforcing the use of zebra crosswalk
“Carrot Law” (alcohol restriction), mimes, seat belt, zebra Traffic police change Life protection Deaths reduction in traffic accidents Pre-hospital care
Some results in mobility Reduction of the rate of people killed in traffic accidents (from 24 to 8 per ; 7 in 2013) Priority given to maintenance of roads used by public transport Incorporation in contracts for buiding new infrastructure of five years of full maintenance Law obedience even without legal punishment People rushed to pay valorization (trust in government) The Metro discussion. After making an commitment with National Government to follow technical advise. Flexible Bus Mass Transport was given priority (112.9 Kms of Transmilenio lanes built until today, daily trips which cover 30% of the public transport demand in the city).
Main enforced norms with the help of citizens’ paticipation Do not mix driving with alcohol Use seatbelt Do not park on sidewalks (initially we used physical barriers: “bollards”) Obey traffic lights and zebra crosswalks for Pedestrians and Drivers Respect the shifts system for circulating (40% cars out during rush hours) Taxi drivers give full change Legal sanction: a sort of last resort
Of course, infrastructure also counts.
Before New Transportation Model Transmilenio – Massive Transportation System After
New Transportation Model Alternative Mobilization – Bikes on common days 230 km network of bike-ways (“ciclorrutas”) Bike trips: 1% (1998) → 4% (2003-4) A crucial antecedent: bike use in Ciclovía (120 km, 7h on Sundays and holidays, more than 1’ people, begun in 1974) A crucial antecedent: bike use in Ciclovía (120 km, 7h on Sundays and holidays, more than 1’ people, begun in 1974)
Transport Challenges As economy grows, people buy more cars. Bogotá has set the goal of growing its road network in a 5% in 4 years. There are still obstacles in culture for using alternative transportation such as bicycles (rainfall, sweat and odours). “Bogotá is landlocked but it has ciclovia”. A massive exercise. The infrastructure has unexpected new use new fields for citizens regulatory action An example of second degree regulatory behaviour
What to find at public transport Beyond the reliability or comfort in public transport you find unknowns “Half the work on civic culture is in transport” Paul Bromberg. Respect between strangers as one of the overarching objectives in Bogota. Moving from total ignorance to anger (conflict between the bus driver and passengers because of the bus stop). It is not only a problem of Bogotá, the civic culture survey shows the 8% of people say they have going on a bus that was going too fast.
Just with education the speed of city’s transport could be improved by 20%. But it would take 20 years. Japanese Agency -JICA- expert.
The Future: Alternative and Public Transportation Beyond economic and legal means, beyond the appeal to consciousness it will be necessary to built social norms against car use and against sedentary lifestyle. Let’s hope that moral satisfaction and social recognition, more than guilt and shame, will shape our behavior.
Public transportation is your best ally in the fight against sedentary lifestyle
Future Public transport Politically the threat of total freedom is used in the imposition of tariffs and organizing map against possible strikes. More sophisticated forms of public transport are very expensive (about 26,000 users filtrate without paying in Transmilenio daily) and become system vulnerable to “shortcut culture ”. Multimodal Model: Cycling to some distance and then take bus to the final destination, and vice versa.
“Life is Sacred” Intervention in the central cemetery. Bogotá, Colombia.