ßOnce you enter the name, just click on the search button. ßIf the name is common, pick a state to limit the results to a manageable number. Ancestry.com ßAncestry.com is a fee-based service with thousands of databases. ßCost can be as low as $5 per month. ßYou just enter the name of the ancestor you want to look for in the boxes as shown below, right. I entered Daniel Corley.
ßShown here are numerous databases in which a Daniel Corley is found. Ancestry.com ßWith this family, we find useful info in Ancestry World Tree and census records ßThere are many other categories that could have been successful. Click on Ancestry World Tree (see red arrow above).
ßShown here are three of the 27 results. Notice George K. CORLEY and Mary Kuykendall in the parents column. I click on their names. Ancestry.com
ßNow I see the information about George K. Corley. It shows parents as D.S. CORLEY and Susan. This is my family! ßNow I click on “download original file” to see who sent it in. Ancestry.com
ßAncestry.com shows me the address of the person who sent the information in. ßIt gives me the opportunity to download their submission in GEDCOM format (68000 names!). ßNow I send an to the person shown asking to share info. Ancestry.com
ßNow I go back and see what Ancestry shows for census records. ßIt shows 13 entries for US census records 1790 to 1880 (indexes all states, almost all census years). ßI am most interested in the entries for Texas, so I click on it. Ancestry.com
ßThis is one of the databases that requires you to pay a fee. Pay your fee, and you have unlimited access to all their databases. ßCost can be as low as $5 per month. ßI enter my username and password, and click on Login. Ancestry.com
ßI now find out that Daniel S. CORLEY was in the 1880 census in Johnson county, TX on page 211. ßHe was not in the Soundex because he didn’t have young children living at home. ßI now need to go to a Family History Center to view the census record. Ancestry.com
ßNow I go back to the start and select PERSI search. ßPERSI searches through nearly all English language genealogy periodicals and newsletters published since ßI enter CORLEY and Texas (I could try Tennessee and Arkansas, too) and then click on Search. Ancestry.com
ßAmong the articles mentioned are three that appear promising. ßSusan Karnes Corley 1889 deposition is so interesting, I click on the article title (see red arrow) to see more about it. Ancestry.com
ßPERSI at Ancestry gives me information about the magazine and what libraries have copies, but does not have the article itself. ßI need to visit on the libraries shown, or order a copy of the article by mail. ßNote the Family History Library is shown. ßThe article referenced was written by Susan CORLEY in 1889 and lists all her family with birth dates, spouses’ names, and much more. Ancestry.com
ßAncestry.com not only gave me some excellent information, it pointed me to other places that I could get more information (the census, some magazine articles, etc.) ßRemember, Ancestry.com is not a totally free service. ßIt’s located at Ancestry.com The End