INFN Bari, Bologna, Catania, Genova, LNF, LNS, Napoli, Pisa, Roma Università Bari, Bologna, Catania, Genova, Napoli, Pisa, Roma “La Sapienza” CNR Istituto.


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Presentation transcript:

INFN Bari, Bologna, Catania, Genova, LNF, LNS, Napoli, Pisa, Roma Università Bari, Bologna, Catania, Genova, Napoli, Pisa, Roma “La Sapienza” CNR Istituto di Oceanografia Fisica, La Spezia Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venezia Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico, Messina Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione (ISCTI) More than 70 researchers from INFN and other Italian institutes Cherenkov photons muon Maurizio Spurio University of Bologna and INFN On behalf of the NEMO collaboration The NEMO Project Neutrino Mediterranean Observatory The NEMO Collaboration activities devoted to: the search, characterization and long term monitoring of a deep sea site for the installation of the Mediterranean km3 - telescope development and prototyping of technologies for the km3 (NEMO Phase-1 and Phase-2) Montecarlo simulations May 21-27, 2006 La Biodola Isola d'Elba (Italy) Double armed cable 2.3 km length Single armed cable 20.6 km branching unit branching unit SN-1 Sismic Observatory Shore station 2005: deployment of a seismic and environmental observatory of INGV (SN1) and O DE (Ocean noise Detection Experiment) 2006: Deployment and connection of a junction box and a fully instrumented four storey tower The Tower Structure Detector architecture: Detector modularity. Towers with non homogeneous distribution of sensors; Full height 750 m. Reduced number of towers to reduce the number of underwater connections and allow operation with a ROV. The towers are composed by a sequence of 15 m long storeys interconnected by tensioning cables. Power and data cables are kept separated from the tensioning ones. Optical Modules Electronics container The NEMO Phase-1 Junction Box = Fibreglass container + Pressure vessels OM = Hamamatsu 10" R7081 SEL F ront E nd M odule (FEM) = 200 MHz, 8bit ADC (log compression). NEMO Phase-1: Data Transmission and DAQ 4 Mbps/OM FEB#0 FEB#1 FEB#2 FEB#3 Software Trigger 2nd Link: Data from offshore to onshore 40 km electro-optical cable. from the off-shore FCM, to an on- shore FCM (de-multiplexing station) Physical medium: totally passive Fiber Optics link Use of the DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (frequency division in the optical domain) is a completely passive optical network used for the TCM. System assessed by the Italian Ministry of Telecommunications Existing Stardardized TLC Self- Synchronous Serial Protocol Data rate up to 400 Mbps South branch Cable 5 km NEMO Phase-2: The Capo Passero Site Optimal site location (flat seabed, far from the shelf break and rivers). Regular and low-value (2-3 cm/s) sea currents. Low sedimentation rate (50 mg m -2 day -1 ) 1 st FEM#2FEM#3 FEM#0FEM#1 INFN LNS Capo Passero OBJECTIVES: Realization of an underwater infrastructure at 3500 m on the Capo Passero site. Test of the detector structure installation procedures at 3500 m Installation of a 16 storey tower Long term monitoring of the site INFRASTRUCTURE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Shore station in Portopalo di Capo Passero 100 km electro optical cable Underwater infrastructures STATUS Purchase of the electro-optical cable (>50 kW) under way A building (1000 m 2 ) located inside the harbor area of Portopalo has been acquired. It will be renovated to host the shore station Project completion planned in 2007 (Left scale) Optical background rate and (Right scale) percentage of dead time (on a 10” PMT) in the Capo Passero site (3000 m) vs. time.  Decay of radioactive elements (mainly 40K) stable frequency noise (≈30 kHz on a 10” PMT at 0.3 p.e.) Light produced by biological entities (bioluminescence)  random bursts with very high counting rate The NEMO Phase km electro- optical cable. Voltage= 10 kV Power > 50 kW CONCLUSIONS Site choice The site offshore Capo Passero shows optimal characteristics for a km3 -telescope Proof of the technical and budgetary feasibility of a km3 - telescope Validation of the proposed techologies for the km3 Realization of Phase-1 (2006) and Phase-2 (2007) projects. Realization of shore and deep sea infrastructures at Capo Passero Future developments R&D in the KM3NeT Design Study … towards the realization of a km3. detector An artists conception of an AGN NASA) FCM Mini Tower (4storeys) Realization of a subsystem of the km3 including all key elements of the detector Project funded by INFN and MIUR Shore and deep sea infrastructures at 2000 m.w.e. ready 1st Link: from each Optical Module (OM) of a storey to a Floor Control Module, FCM (x4)  2 MByte/s DEMUX One single optical fiber backbone per tower Floor 3 Floor 2 Floor 1 Floor 0 AD D FCM3 FCM2 FCM 1 FCM 0 One floor data is received on-shore by a twin FCM board, plugged on a host machine (FCM Interface) DWDM: From offshore to onshore On-Shore DWDM Transceivers On-Shore Demux stage 3d link- At the FCMI, data are made available on memory buffers (Front End Buffers, or FEBs). Each FEB contains formatted data issued from the corresponding Front End Module