The Middle Ages 500-1500
Fall of the Western Roman Empire results in the Middle Ages: 1 Fall of the Western Roman Empire results in the Middle Ages: 1. Disruption of Trade – merchants face invasion
2. Downfall of cities – cities are no longer economic centers
3. Population shifts – people move to the countryside
4. Decline of learning – Germanic invaders could not read/write 4. Decline of learning – Germanic invaders could not read/write. People become illiterate except for priests and monks.
II. Roman Catholic Church: provides security and order during this chaotic time
1. Missionaries – (Priests who wished to convert non-Christians to Christianity) converted many Germanic people by 600
Monasteries – religious communities of monks and nuns became centers of learning a. Illumination— Monks copied books, opened schools and libraries
Ex. LAW, MILITARY, EDUCATION, TAXES, GOVERNMENT 3. During the Middle Ages, the Church also became a secular (non-religious/worldly) political power Ex. LAW, MILITARY, EDUCATION, TAXES, GOVERNMENT
III. After Roman Empire declines, small kingdoms emerge all over Europe
1. France – ruled by Franks – Charles Martel (the Hammer) extended Frankish ruler through conquest
2. Pepin the Short – Martel’s son continues expansion
Charlemagne – Pepin’s son conquered new lands spreading Christianity making an empire greater then any since Rome
•France, Italy, Spain, and Germany
Coronation (crowning as Holy Roman Emperor) of Charlemagne by the Pope.
800 A. D. –Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. by the Pope. A 800 A.D.–Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope A. This unified church and politics through- out the Middle Ages
On a separate sheet of paper answer the following questions: [pages 320-321]: 1. Name 4 modern day countries Charlemagne’s empire was a part of. 2.What did Charlemagne accomplish these areas: -Military [3] -Culture[3] -Politics[3]