THE GROWTH OF CIVILIZATIONS Civilization-A complex, highly organized social order. First civilizations developed near river valleys Water supply Transportation Plenty of animals Fertile soil
EFFECTS Rich conditions in river valleys allowed farmers to produce surpluses Surplus-More food than necessary Consequences: Population growth-villages become cities Division of labor-People work at other jobs than farming
THE FIRST CIVILIZATIONS Egypt (Nile River Valley)-2575 BC Indus River Valley (India and Pakistan) BC Huang River (China)-1766 BC Sumer (Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq)-3300 BC
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 1. Organized Governments As cities grew, more complex governments were required Responsibilities: food production, flood control, digging canals/irrigation Challenges: Law and order, tax collection, defense Different departments of government formed for different tasks. Leaders were often powerful warriors, priests
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 2. Complex Religions Most ancient people were polytheistic-believed in many gods Believed gods controlled natural forces like flooding, rain, sunshine, birth, death, etc. Created complex rituals-ceremonies, dances, prayers, etc. Built temples, sacrificed plants, animals, sometimes people Required full time, trained priests
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 3. Job Specialization Individuals could specialize in certain jobs because of food surpluses Artisans-skilled craftspeople, created pottery, baskets, etc. Metalworkers learned to work with copper and bronze Other jobs: bricklayers, soldiers, merchants, entertainers
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 4. Social Organization Surplus of food, growth of personal property, and job specialization led to social classes 1. Priests and nobles 2. Wealthy merchants 3. Skilled artisans 4. Peasant farmers 5. Slaves Nuclear family=basic unit of social organization
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 5. Arts and Architecture Expressed the talents, beliefs, and values of the people who created them Temples and palaces-remind people of the strength and power of government, religion Decorated with wall paintings, statues of gods and rulers, design work
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 6. Public Works Strong leaders order projects to benefit civilizations Irrigation systems Roads Bridges Defensive walls Often very expensive in gold and lives
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 7. Language All cultures have spoken language, many civilizations developed written languages Scribes recorded religious rituals, farming technique, achievements of rulers Pictographs-Simple drawings that look like the objects they represent
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 8. Economic System How people use the limited resources available to them Traditional Economy-People produce what they need, tend not to change Command Economy-Rulers tell people what to produce Market Economy-People have freedom to buy, sell, produce as they choose Mixed Economy-Mixture of command and market
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION 9. Customs and Traditions People began to pass down important behaviors and beliefs Values-what the people find important Norms-expected behaviors
CHANGES Civilizations always must adapt to their environment Climate Landforms Natural resources Cultural diffusion spread technologies and ideas Migration Trade Warfare Civilizations grew in power City-state-A political unit including a city and its surrounding lands and villages Empire-A group of territories controlled by one ruler.