Problem ID: Math Focusing on Number Sense Laura Fine Andrea Cohn Nicki Meshbesher
Problem Solving Process Contracting Problem Identification Intervention Design Intervention Implementation Intervention Evaluation Closure
Problem Solving Process Contracting Problem Identification Intervention Design Intervention Implementation Intervention Evaluation Closure
Problem Identification Clarify Concerns Prioritize Concerns Collect Baseline Data Set Goals Draw an Aim Line
Problem ID: Key Questions What does the student know? What can the student do? Are there patterns to the student’s work? How does the student approach unknowns? Now what do I do as the teacher?
Problem Identification Clarify Concerns: Poor math achievement Prioritize Concerns Collect Baseline Data Set Goals Draw an Aim Line
Clarifying Concerns What could it be? Number sense Basic Facts Measurement Geometry Probability Retention of information Attention to detail
Problem Identification Clarify Concerns: Number sense Prioritize Concerns Collect Baseline Data Set Goals Draw an Aim Line
Concern: Number Sense What is it? How do we document it?
Number Sense Defined Having a good conceptual understanding of numbers and number concepts.
Students with Number Sense Understand relative magnitude (size) of numbers Can compose and decompose in a variety of ways Understand concept of operations (+, -, x, ÷) Understand number relationships Make reasonable estimations Find and explain patterns Use compatible numbers Know if an answer is reasonable Compute mentally
How will you know if a student has number sense? Informal Formative Interviews: o Class discussions o Observations o Warm-ups/Exit tickets o Questioning o Survey/EPR (thumbs up if...) o Games/Puzzles
How will you know if an elementary student has number sense? Diagnostic/Formative/Summative Assessment Tools available in HCPSS: o HCPSS Math Learner Profile o SAW 3 o FASTT Math Reports o Unit Assessments o Part 1, 2, & 3 Assessments o NUMBER SENSE ASSESSMENTS
How will you know if a middle school student has number sense? Diagnostic/Formative/Summative Assessment Tools available in HCPSS: o for a middle school student, like in elementary, the area of need can be identified as computation errors OR conceptual understanding o information can be taken from classroom performance assessments (quizzes/tests)
Number Sense Assessments Include targeted questions intended to reveal flawed thinking or gaps in knowledge Indicate what area of number sense to target 90% or greater is considered passing
Number Sense Assessments Document Repository Log In Elementary Programs Mathematics Intervention Kits Number Sense Assessments Number Sense Assessments
Problem Identification Clarify Concerns: Number sense-give Number Sense Assessment Prioritize Concerns: Identify specific skills to target & prioritize (can be more than 1) Collect Baseline Data Set Goals Draw an Aim Line
Prioritizing Concerns What areas of Number Sense could be targeted? Place Value Decomposition Ordering numbers Estimation Patterns Comparing Numbers (, =) Understanding operations (+, -, x, ÷)
Problem Identification Clarify Concerns: Number sense-give Number Sense Assessment Prioritize Concerns: Identify specific skills to target & prioritize (can be more than 1) Collect Baseline Data: have student perform 3 tasks related to specific area of need, record 3 points on the SDF Set Goals Draw an Aim Line
Problem Identification Clarify Concerns: Number sense-give Number Sense Assessment Prioritize Concerns: Identify specific skills to target & prioritize (can be more than 1) Collect Baseline Data: have student perform 3 tasks related to specific area of need, record 3 points on the SDF Set Goals: Measureable, attainable in 4-6 weeks Draw an Aim Line
Problem Solving Process Contracting Problem Identification Intervention Design Intervention Implementation Intervention Evaluation Closure
Let’s practice!