WCU Master of Health Services - Executive Leadership & Management Cohort DeAnna McCarson - MAHEC Time Management
The key is not to prioritize your schedule, but to schedule your priorities --Stephen R. Covey Resource: Franklin Covey Co.
Time Management A G E N D A uAnalyze the use of time uPriorities uShort and Long-term planning uAs a Manager, Leader? uUrgent/Important Activities uRoles uTools and Techniques
Analyzing the Use of Time
Think through your day - How do you spend your time? What activities/tech. make for GOOD days? What are your distractions? Time Wasters? Do you have a system for dealing with them? Do you have time for the most important things in your life? Time Management
Compile a simple time log by dividing your day into 30-minute intervals. Log exactly how you spend your time. Time Management Keep a time log - Resource: Tim Hindle - Manage Your Time This helps you to determine how much time you are spending on useful and unnecessary activities.
Time Management w Categorize time spent into specific categories: –Use Urgent/Important matrix OR categories such as: –Routine tasks –On-going projects –Planning and Development
Actual Time Allocation Categorize tasks... Resource: Tim Hindle - Manage Your Time
Ideal Time Allocation Resource: Tim Hindle - Manage Your Time
Urgent/Important Matrix
Classifying Activities w Urgent –if you or others feel that it requires immediate attention. w Important –if you personally find it valuable, and if it contributes to your mission, values, and high- priority goals. Resource: Franklin Covey Co.
Identifying Roles
COMMON ROLES w PERSONAL –Spouse –Parent –Brother/Sister –Daughter/Son –Friend –Volunteer –Member w PROFESSIONAL –Manager –Leader –Supervisor –Boss –Facilitator –Peer –Coordinator
Tools and Techniques
TOOLS & TECHNIQUES w Action Plans –Personal Development Plan w Time Analysis –Logs, Time Wasters w Calendars –electronic or manual
TOOLS/TECH. cont. w Organizers –in-baskets, folders, file stands, bookcases, file cabinets, etc. w Resources –books, internet, tips from peers
First Things First... w Personal –_______________ w Professional –_______________ Resource: Franklin Covey Co.
First Things First w List an activity that, if done superbly and consistently, would produce marvelous results in your personal life. Do the same with an activity in your professional life. Resource: Franklin Covey Co.
w Things which matter most must never be put at the mercy of things which matter least. - -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Resource: Franklin Covey Co.
Covey 6-Step Process: w Connect to Mission w Review Roles w Identify Goals w Organize Weekly w Exercise Integrity w Evaluate Resource: Franklin Covey Co.
Culp 7-Step Plan À Understand the value of your Time & the importance of balance in your life. Á Decide what you want out of life- & go for it  Prioritize & plan regularly à Organize projects & manage your schedule effectively Ä Work on overcoming everyday obstacles Resource: Stephanie Culp: You can find more time for yourself every day
Culp 7-Step Plan cont. Å Simplify & streamline your life by getting organized Æ Look for ways to save time in bits & pieces Resource: Stephanie Culp: You can find more time for yourself every day
Developing Plans Short and Long Term Personally and Professionally
As a Manager, Leader - w How can you coach others on Time Management? –Model (use of tools/techniques) –Help others develop plans –Share resources
What are your challenges? Learn from other managers and leaders… What works for you?