Don’t Miss the Target: Planning for Farm Success Margo Hale and Linda Coffey, NCAT
Our goals today: Discuss whole farm planning Give an overview of how the Small Ruminant Checksheet works Point to further resources
Tell me about your farm!
Now let’s think: What’s important to notice? How do you assess progress? Are you satisfied with your farm?
Where do you spend...
What whole farm planning can do for you: Clear your thinking
What whole farm planning can do for you:
Help you see the big picture
What whole farm planning can do for you: Figure out your target
What whole farm planning can do for you: Sort out problems… Is it a cause, or a symptom?
Prioritize issues and track progress What whole farm planning can do for you:
Send you in the right direction What whole farm planning can do for you:
Get everyone on board, so there is less conflict
#1 The ability of farmers to look at the farm with a total systems approach: –Vision –Mission –Values –Goals Habits of highly profitable farmers:
Actively manage resources available Continuously assess and improve performance Habits of highly profitable farmers:
Goal of the Small Ruminant Sustainability Checksheet Help farmers and educators look at the Whole Farm
Farm inventory Farm planning Farm management Systems management Conclusion –Farm Action Plan Small Ruminant Resources The Checksheet
Record Keeping What kind of records do you keep? How do you capture and use the information? How often do you enter and then review records?
Farm Planning
Farm Management
Systems Management
Resource List
Categories of Resource List General: Sheep and Goats General: Sheep General: Goats Forages Animal Health Marketing and Business Organic Production Magazines, Organizations, Suppliers, Publishers
Appendices A. About Organic Production B. Diseases in Flock or Herd C. Resource Assessments 1. Individual Pastures 2. Soils 3. Watershed D. Small Ruminant Resources
Resource Assessments
Quick Start It is best to work through the entire checksheet Quick Start was added to help guide producers to an area of concern quickly
In Summary The Small Ruminant Sustainability Checksheet is a document to help with assessing and improving a farm Whole farm planning offers many benefits The Small Ruminant Resource List is available as a stand-alone document, as is the Quickstart These tools are useful for self-study and for educators working with producers
Help is available State resources Small Ruminant Resource Manual –Available as a USB flash drive Resource List
Worth the effort? Whole Farm planning –Takes time and effort, and records! –Will help you and your family Clear your thinking Sort out problems Prioritize use of time and money Set goals and see progress toward goals
Leading to... Healthier land and animals Greater profitability More enjoyment of the farm More family interest and participation
May you reach your goals!
The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is a nonprofit organization that helps people and communities. NCAT champions small- scale, sustainable and local solutions to reduce poverty, protect communities and promote natural resources. Since 1976, NCAT has weatherized houses, trained farmers, monitored energy use and demonstrated renewable technology. NCAT works on local and national projects that foster a healthy quality of life for everyone.