Alachua County Community Survey Report
Report Outline Analysis of survey tool Description of population and sample Zip Code Response Rates Findings Other Information
Analysis of Survey Tool Weakness –This survey is NOT a formal scientific study. –This survey does not generate a true random sample. –Responses are limited to only citizens that choose to participate which reduces the confidence of any inferences. –Can not fully distinguish between incorporated and unincorporated citizen perceptions.
Analysis of Survey Tool Strength Presented an opportunity for all citizens to communicate directly with the Commission. Provides a broad overview of citizens perceptions and concerns. Most likely offers more information than one can gather in small social conversations…
Description of Population and Sample Who received the survey? Theoretically everyone… more than once. –An estimated 99,690 surveys were mailed –Surveys were also available online. Who returned the survey? This year 1764 surveys were received and analyzed. 577 more surveys than last years total.
Population Distribution by Zip Code Transition slide
Survey Findings
–Very good –Good –Fair –Poor –Very Poor –No Opinion Question 1 asked citizens to rate their perception of the following services as: Perception of Services
Perception of Services Animal Services
Perception of Services Codes Enforcement
Perception of Services Environmental Protection
Perception of Services Fire Rescue
Perception of Services Garbage/Recycling
Perception of Services Parks
Perception of Services Planning and Zoning
Perception of Services Public Information
Perception of Services Public Health
Perception of Services Road Maintenance
Perception of Services Social Services
Perception of Services Tourism Promotion
Citizen / Employee Interaction Question 2 asked if the citizen had personal contact with any one employed by Alachua County in the past year. If the citizen had, they were then asked to describe their contact as: –Very Good –Good –Fair –Poor –Very Poor
Citizen / Employee Interaction 1258 citizens indicated that they had personal contact with someone employed by Alachua County in the past year. Of these 1258 citizens, 1242 rated their experience.
Question 3 asked: If the County Commission increases the gas tax to fund transportation needs, how would you prioritize the following. Citizens were given 4 options: –New Roads –Mass Transit –Pave Existing Dirt Roads –Maintain Existing Roads Priority For Transportation Improvements
Improvement Priority New Roads (n =1519) Pave Dirt Roads (n =1517) Mass Transit (n = 1511) Maintain Existing Roads (n = 1572) Highest Priority17.2%13.8%21.0%53.1% High Priority20.1%21.6%22.9%35.4% Low Priority29.5%37.5%21.2%8.5% Lowest Priority33.2%27.1%34.9%3.0% Total100.0%
CHOICES Awareness Question 4 asked citizens “How aware are your of Alachua County CHOICES health service Program.”
Funding for Non- Profit Organizations Citizens were asked if the County should provide funding for the following types of non- profit organizations: –Arts and Culture organizations –Ecological & Historical organizations –Active Recreation organizations –Social Services organizations –Economic Development organizations
Should Funding be provided
Funding Priority for Non-Profits The citizens were asked to prioritize the organizations on a scale from 1 (High) to 5 (Low). Rankings were only recorded from those citizens who indicated that funding should be provided.
Funding Priority Rankings Organization Priority Arts & Cultural (n=880) Ecological & Historical (n=1033) Active Recreation (n=1061) Social Services (n=1101) Economic Development (n=885) Highest Priority16.3%27.8%26.9%39.7%28.7% High Priority25.7%24.1%29.5%28.7%24.2% A Priority25.9%22.4%21.5%17.2%18.0% Low Priority19.3%17.6%14.5%10.7%11.6% Lowest Priority12.8%8.1%7.6%3.7%17.5%
Information Source Question 6 asked citizens, “How do you get information regarding Alachua County government?” Citizens were given 5 options to choose from: –Radio –Newspaper –Community Update e-newsletter –Television –Alachua County Website
Information Source Citizens were asked to rate each media source, based on the amount of information it to provided them. Additionally, citizens were asked to identify the station, channel, or publication of their source.
Continue funding Alachua County Forever Question 7 asked citizens if they would favor extending the.25 mil. ad valorem assessment which funds the Alachua County Forever land conservation program. Of those responding: –46% answered “Yes” –54% answered “No”
Other Information Comments Some citizens provided additional comments with their surveys. In the report, these comments are recorded as “other comments” and are referenced to the affiliated survey and the affiliated question when possible.
Subscriptions –As a direct result of this survey, 377 respondents signed up to receive the Community Update newsletter via more than last year. Other Information