Mark Hopgood, Director UK: USA: (904) ©2010 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved – no unauthorised reproduction without “An hour a day, retire on full pay” Mark N Hopgood’s introduction to success in network marketing
Mark Hopgood, Director UK: USA: (904) ©2010 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved – no unauthorised reproduction without What is network marketing Partnership - a long term commitment to work with a team of people over 2-5 years. Learning - the training and learning of new skills which help to achieve results that you want. Business – a way to make money with a low start up cost Mindset – an opportunity to change your way of thinking Why?...
Mark Hopgood, Director UK: USA: (904) ©2010 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved – no unauthorised reproduction without the law of attraction in business The Law of Attraction is based on the fact that whatever you think about most, whatever you pay the most attention to, is what you will attract into your life. If you think about debt and lack, worry about it, and focus on it, you will absolutely keep struggling financially. ITS THE LAW IN ACTION. On the contrary, by focusing on wealth and abundance, and having a positive and optimistic outlook, you will just as easily attract more money and more success into your life. Network Marketing – when applied with the correct training and team can help you shift your focus from debt, to something more positive – success and wealth.
Mark Hopgood, Director UK: USA: (904) ©2010 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved – no unauthorised reproduction without A network is valuable Example: TV – once upon a time there was no TV. A few people bought a TV and neighbours came round to watch the TV and then more people started talking about it. The news spread through friends, family, newspapers, advertising: all of these are examples of networks. Today, every household has a TV – TV has become a network of watchers - all ready to receive information about products and services to buy (and be entertained?) Would you like a valuable network?
Mark Hopgood, Director UK: USA: (904) ©2010 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved – no unauthorised reproduction without building a network creates abundance The more people you know, or are connected to, the bigger your network If you communicated to someone about a new product or service they are more likely to buy it. The key way that you can improve your income: –Learn the skills that will allow you to Build and grow your network Make money from your network Stay focused
Mark Hopgood, Director UK: USA: (904) ©2010 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved – no unauthorised reproduction without An hour a day, retire on full pay The massive advantage of learning to build a network: –You show people how to build a network –They build a network –They are in your network –Your network grows If you know how to make money out of a network, then you have the opportunity to create a growing income to go with your growing network. The catch? You need to stay focused – one hour a day using a very specific technique.
Mark Hopgood, Director UK: USA: (904) ©2010 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved – no unauthorised reproduction without Where to get training?? Mark N Hopgood –Network Marketing trainer, mentor, coach I offer my services free of charge to committed individuals who wish to learn and develop themselves. You will learn skills that are guaranteed to improve your success. Skype: mark.hopgood US Tel: (904) UK Tel: