Empire College Major: Computerized Business Basics LYNETTE BOLING
I came to Empire College to: Get the skills necessary to be valued candidate for the career field of my choosing. To refresh the skills I already possess. To prove my abilities to myself.
Before Empire college… Before I came to Empire College I worked at the County of Sonoma, Human Resources Department. I took some time off to raise my children and found, when I was ready to rejoin the workforce, it was much easier said than done!
What is important to me? My most important goal in life is to care for my children and set the best example possible for them. With the certifications I receive, upon completing my studies here at Empire College, I will be better able to do just that.
The important people in my life! My family has always been the most important factor in my life. They support me through all of my endeavors. They give me guidance and hope. And best of all, they love me for me!
My future The goals I have set for myself are: To complete my studies here at Empire College. To rejoin the workforce in a career field of my own choosing. To rebuild my financial stability. To show my children a better way that what I was shown by accomplishing my set goals.
Some roadblocks for me might be: Childcare Automotive Troubles Fitting in Homework
Feeling Overwhelmed? Sometimes it feels like everything is coming at me from all angles: My kids My schoolwork My social life Financial worries I have to remember what is important to me and prioritize it all. I have great analytical and problem solving skills and can usually figure it out myself. I have a great support system which is always a huge resource.
Objective Thinker MY DISC PROFILE
What my DISC Profile says about me: I am an objective thinker. I make decisions based on hard facts and intuitive information. I am very observant of people and my surroundings. I am mild-mannered. I demand quality in my own performance as well as that of my co- workers. I seek to maintain a peaceful environment, free of interpersonal conflict.
Positive Affirmations that have great meaning to me are: I express myself well, and I know others respect my point of view. I am my own expert, and am not affected by the negative attitudes and opinions of others. I am warm and friendly toward all I contact, and I treat everyone with consideration and respect.
Graduation Day Upon completion of my programs here at Empire College: I see a more promising future for myself and my children. I see a rewarding career in a professional office environment. I see it being possible for me to save money for: Sending my children to college. Purchasing my own home. Traveling and sightseeing A rainy day!