Floor Jacks and Stands Harkness Career Center
Floor Jacks Parts Identification
Jack Operation Increase pressure when small piston moves a larger one Hydraulic jack has a fluid reservoir and two one-way check valves –Twisting the handle controls fluid pressure –Position the jack under the vehicle frame
Floor Jacks Are used to lift the corner or one side of a vehicle Has NO safety locks Vehicles can be rolled on a floor jack Floor jacks should always be used with jack stands
Jack Stands Stands have no lifting function Are used to secure vehicles in the air Can be height adjusted Must be used every time with a jack
Shop Crane (Cherry Picker) Is used to lift engines and heavy items to move them Has NO safety locks (NEVER GET UNDER ANYTHING LIFTED BY A CRAINE) Can carry up to 2 tons Keep loads as low as possible when transporting
Electric/Hydraulic Press Used to press together parts Can be capible of 30 to 60 tons of pressure Can easily bend or shatter metal Can easily cause damage to parts of personal injury
Engine Stand Are use to hold engines up for disassembly Engines must be centered to the mounting flange The correct mounting bolts a washers must be used Will allow the engine to be turned
Transmission Jack Is a tall jack on rollers and an adjustable saddle Can be air or hydraulic operated Used to remove fuel tanks, transmissions, differentials from a vehicle on a lift Can be wobbly when fully extended
Chainfall (chain hoist) Slide along a beam secured to the ceiling Has two chains –One to raise and lower –One to pick the weight up Will lock in place and suspend load