Interpreting High Resolution Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Observations with MUSTANG Charles Romero University of Virginia, National Radio Astronomy Observatory 1
Jack Sayers (Caltech) Nicole Czakon (Sinica) Phil Korngut (JPL/Caltech) Collaborators Brian Mason (NRAO) Simon Dicker (UPenn) Alex Young (MIT-LL) Mark Devlin (UPenn) Erik Reese (Moorpark) Tony Mroczkowski (NRL) Jon Seivers (KwaZulu-Natal) Craig Sarazin (U Virginia) Tracy Clarke (NRL) Sunil Golwala (Caltech) Credit: NASA Key: Graduate Student, Postdoc, Faculty 2 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Outline of Talk Galaxy Clusters – Why study them? SZ Observations – Substructure & Bulk ICM Fitted pressure profiles Future work & conclusions Uchicago, adapted from L. Van Sproyboeck 3 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Cluster Mass Cosmology Growth of structure Springel January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Cosmological Parameter Constraints Sehgal Without scatter in scaling relation With scatter in scaling relation 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
SZ surveys and scaling relations 6 Marriage Czakon Credit: M. Markevitch Y-M scaling relation 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
This Study: CLASH clusters 20 X-ray selected 5 lensing selected Multi-wavelength! Postman January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Outline of Talk Galaxy Clusters – Why study them? SZ Observations – Substructure & Bulk ICM Fitted pressure profiles Future work & conclusions Uchicago, adapted from L. Van Sproyboeck 8 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MUSTANG’s view of CLASH (+1) 9 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Studying the ICM: Radio (SZ) Credit: Ned Wright Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect Δ I ∝ P e 10 MUSTANG 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MUSTANG + GBT The Green Bank Telescope – Off-axis Gregorian design – 290 MHz to 100 GHz – 240 μm surface RMS – 90 GHz effective area : 2500 m 2 – 90 GHz beam size : 9" FWHM – 2” pointing accuracy MUSTANG – 64 absorber coupled TESs – 42” FOV – 400 μJy/beam in 3’ x 3’ per hour – Cold reimaging optics The science – Star Forming regions – Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect (SZE) 100 m 1 pixel January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Data Processing: MUSTANG Filter out scales > FOV January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MUSTANG results Korngut Mason January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MUSTANG results, cont. MACS 0717 Mroczkowski January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MUSTANG Beam January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Point Source Removal January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Outline of Talk Galaxy Clusters – Why study them? SZ Observations – Substructure & Bulk ICM Fitted pressure profiles Future work & conclusions Uchicago, adapted from L. Van Sproyboeck January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Bolocam + MUSTANG 18 Bolocam (on the CSO) 8’ FOV 58” FWHM at 2.1mm (140 GHz) Bolocam Beam MUSTANG Beam 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Pressure Profiles Previous studies have constrained these over their samples of clusters – Nagai 2007, Arnaud 2010, Planck 2012, and Sayers January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MACS 1206 (sequential fit) 20 Young et al (arXiv: ) 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MACS 0647 (sequential fit) 21 Young et al (arXiv: ) 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MACS 0647 (simultaneous fit!) 22 Romero et al (arXiv: ) Bolocam only Bolocam + MUSTANG 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Abell Romero et al (arXiv: ) Bolocam only Bolocam + MUSTANG 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Comparison of profile sets 24 MACS 0647 Abell January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Constraints over all clusters 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero25
Subdivided 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero26 Cool cores clearly have steeper core pressure profiles
Comparing Pressure Profiles 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero27 Our sample shows more dispersion at large radii. Arnaud+ 2010
SZ + X-ray SZ is directly proportional to P e X-ray emissivity is proportional n e 2 T 1/2 – X-ray constrains n e well 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero28 Constrain T e = P e(SZ) / n e(X) Constrain elongation along LOS (ε = [P e(x) / P e(SZ) ] 2 ) Constrain helium sedimentation
Helium Sedimentation: Models 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero29 Proposed as early as Gilfanov Potential sedimentation calculated by Chuzhoy+ 2004, Peng & Nagai 2009 Some constraints from Markevitch 2007 Bulbul investigated impact on scaling relations Need high resolution SZ to do this! (scales < 0.1 * R 500 ) R 500 ~ 2-4 arcmin
Helium Sedimentation: Fitting I 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero30 Must account for a global offset in pressure between SZ and X-ray Offset could be due to elongation along the LOS. Abell 1835MACS 1311
Helium Sedimentation: Fitting II 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero31 Rescaled P e(SZ) can now be compared to P e(X) Fit model ratios to data.
Deriving Electron Temperatures 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero32 Abell 1835MACS 1311 Blue = ACCEPT (Cavagnolo+ 2009) Red = ACCEPT2 (Baldi+ current work ) Green = This work Separate from cluster geometry (elongation) and He sedimentation modeling.
Outline of Talk Galaxy Clusters – Why study them? SZ Observations – Substructure & Bulk ICM Fitted pressure profiles Future work & conclusions Uchicago, adapted from L. Van Sproyboeck January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Future Work: MUSTANG-1.5 Dicker et al dual polarization feeds 75 – 105 GHz bandpass Antenna +Feedhorn coupled TES bolometers. 9” beam 2.5’ field of view on GBT (9” and 45” for MUSTANG) ~40 times faster mapping speeds On the telescope now! January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Fall 2015: MUSTANG detectors populated Several proposals for this fall – PIs: Dicker, Gilbank, Romero, Edge, Crichton 04 Sept Caltech Lunch Talk Charles Romero35
Conclusions MUSTANG sees substructure and compact sources in many clusters – Substructure can reveal dynamics of the cluster Point sources can easily be dealt with. The addition of MUSTANG data to Bolocam does increase ability to constraint γ. MUSTANG-1.5 will do significantly better January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Future Work: NIKA-2 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero37
Appendix January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero Comparing Confidence intervals based on assumed centroid.
Y-M scaling relation – Liang Yu, Kaylea Nelson, and Daisuke Nagai – Also D talk yesterday January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Abell 1835 A10 α and β January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
MACS 0647 A10 α and β January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Correlation Matrix January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Winter/Spring 2015: MUSTANG detectors populated Several proposals for the spring PIs: Dicker, Gilbank, Romero, Edge, Crichton January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Observing strategies 44 FOV 08 January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero
Abell >Two shocks ->Cold front currently being observed by MUSTANG Chandra X-ray image -- Russell et al. (2010) Abell 2146
Galaxy Clusters Credit: NASA Vacca Optical X-ray January 2014 AAS Disertation Talk Charles Romero