Fishing Rod Hook, Line and Sinker Boat (Optional) Bait, Soft Plastics or Lure Bucket Net
Casting is hard to do when you go fishing for the first time.
When a fish bites the rod will bend over -> When the rod bends you pull the rod up. The fish will then try to swim down and get free. Just keep on reeling.
Snapper (Boat) King George Whiting (Boat) Australian Salmon (Both) Gummy Shark(both) Squid (both) Garfish (Both) Bream (both) Flathead (boat) Leather Jacket (both) Slimy Mackerel (boat)
If it is a bite the rod will bounce but if it is a snag the rod will bend. If the fish is massive the line will run out, when the line runs out it sounds like a bee is buzzing. If the line is running let the fish tire out so it is easier to reel in.
The process begins by scaling a fish(taking all the scales of). Then you cut the fishes stomach and take out all the guts yummy :P Scaling and cleaning your catch