WHAT IS THAT? The Green family was walking down the street. They had 3 kids KNH. All of a sudden the youngest child, Svetlana pointed and asked ‘’What is that?! It looks like that man is taking the other mans blood pressure.’’ Now, Mrs. and Mr. Green were both Jewish. But they knew nothing about their heritage, whatsoever. ‘’Hey!’’ said Erik the oldest ‘’Let’s check that out!’’ Mr. and Mrs. Green exchanged glances, they knew what this meant. Their kids would find out they were Jewish, and would want to keep torah and mitzvos. But the 3 Green kids, were already running down to see what that was.
IT’S A SHLIACH! Erik, Svetlana and Jack neared the booth. ‘‘Excuse me, what are your names and what is this about?’’ asked Jack. The Klapen family smiled and Rabbi Klapen answered ‘’We are emissaries from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, we were sent on a mission to help spread more light in this place.’’ ‘’Light? I dont see any more light other than the sun right now’’ said Svetlana. The Klapen family tried not to laugh. ‘’What we meant was, that the light is Judaism, and we are called Shluchim, trying to bring Judaism into this place’’ said Mrs. Klapen. ‘’Oh!’’ laughed Svetlana ‘’That is so neat. Mom and dad, did you hear that?!’’
ARE YOU JEWISH? Uh-oh, now our kids will find out we don’t know anything thought Mr. and Mrs. Green. ‘What are your names?’’ asked Rabbi and Mrs. Klopen at the same time. ‘’Erik, Jack and Svetlana Green’’ said Erik. ‘’If i am not mistaken then Green is a Jewish name.’’ said Rabbi Klopen. ‘’are you Jewish?’’ All of a sudden Mr. Green started crying. ‘’Y-y-yes, we are Jewish. We never wanted anyone to know. Both me and my wife, our families used to be religious, but they slowly stopped keeping everything. B-b-but i still remember the beutiful shabbos candles, glowing every Friday, and the Challah, wine and the whole shabbos. I-i-i really miss it.’’ The 3 Green kids looked at each other in shock, they had just found out a secret that their parents had kept for so many years..
A MITZVAH CONNECTS YOU TO HASHEM. ‘’Maybe you would like to put on tefillin?’’ asked Rabbi Klopen. Mr. Green nodded. Rabbi Klopen took the tefillin and wrapped it around Mr. Green’s arm. Mr. Green was crying as he put on tefillin. Mrs. Green and Svetlana were getting shabbos candles. On the way home, the whole Green family decided to take upon themselves one thing they would work on, one thing that the Klopen’s had told them about, because after putting on tefillin they felt connected to Hashem.
ONE DEED CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. ‘’Mommy, im home’’ said Yakov – who used to be Jack – ‘’is there anything i can have to eat please?’’ Yakov went into the kitchen and saw his snack. He made a bracha and took a bite. 4 minutes later Avremi – who used to be Erik – also came in. Soon Sarah – Svetlana - also came home. Mrs. Green came out of her room, holding the baby, Chaya Mushka. ‘’Tatty should be home from mivtzoim in a second.’’ And just then Rabbi Green walked in with another man, who looked like he was not frum – yet. ‘’I met this man on mivtzoim, he want’s to meet us.’’ Rabbi Green quietly told his wife ‘’I hope this works out like it did with us.’’ And with a slight nod, he pointed to his kids, who had become frum because of one single mivtzoim booth! 2 years later....