o He Juxtaposes typical views of a hero with actions of a serial killer. o Single Frame insert of ‘Tracey Mills’ the last victim. YouTube - Se7en (ending) ITEM 1
YouTube - Seven - In the car o David Fincher gives the serial killer a personality. o He allows him to explain his actions o The cinematography of John Doe’s power he switches from behind bars to free.
o Panic Room o Fincher visual style is stylish and modern o Fluid camera movements ITEM 2 YouTube - Panic Room Long Take
YouTube - Zodiac [2007] - Second Murder Scene - Murder Sequences ITEM 3 o Casualness of murders o No music – reinforces the realism
Blue & green tints Low-Key & Flashlights Restricted Views Adds to the Anonymity theme De-saturated colour
ITEM 7 o David Fincher has directed just a small collection of films o In his earlier years he worked on ‘Return of the Jedi’
ITEM 10 Yvonne Tasker compares Fincher to Kubrick.
ITEM 12 He doesn’t expect a masterpiece Fincher is a modest filmmaker
Visually stunning films ITEM 4